Chapter II - Reunited

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It's 8 AM and here we are to men's most hated place, Grocery Store. Jiang Chen should keep in mind that he should start liking this "hell" for him since we'll be shopping more often, if his schedule is not tight. Lin Jingxiao, my pal and Lu Yang is also here with us, and guess what? They're buying maternity products for Jingxiao who just found out she was pregnant earlier. This couple are excited as hell to have a baby.

"Babe, do I look good on this?" I asked Jiang Chen while holding a short dress.

"Too short. I don't want you showing off to much." He said while looking at me furiously.

I went back to return the dress with Jingxiao.

"Is he a strict boyfriend, I mean HUSBAND?" She teased.

"Yes, he is. I didn't knew he would be conservative towards me. He doesn't even want me to wear short dresses. You know it's my favorite type of dress!" I replied while giggling.

"If there's someone who is more conservative than Jiang Chen, it would be Lu Yang. And note, he is also very protective, and it pisses me so much! He wants me to deactivate all my Social Media accounts because he think men will hook with me! Can you believe that?"

We both laughed at each other. Meanwhile, Jiang Chen and Lu Yang are talking outside.

"Jingxiao! When the baby comes out, I want it to have my name. Baby Xiaoxi! Isn't it cute? Haha!" I said while rubbing his tummy.

"No I won't! I don't want my baby to be as clumsy and desperate as you! Haha!"

We finished chit-chatting and went to the counter. The line was too long so I told Jingxiao to go ahead and I'll catch-up with her later.

*Jiang Chen's POV*

The mall. My most hated corner of the Earth. We could just go to the Bookstore, to the restaurant, but please not the mall. I'm very impatient when I'm at the counter. But if there's one thing I wasn't impatient for, it would be waiting for Chen Xiaoxi.

Lu Yang and I are here at the waiting area for those two girls. Lu Yang is really "manning-up", he's growing his mustache like a gangster and hasn't wore his glasses anymore.

"Congratulations for having a baby, Lu Yang." I said coldly (as usual).

"Woah. Did I just hear that? You? Talking? Anyways, thanks bro! By the way, how are you and Xiaoxi? Still no baby? Haha!" He teased.

I pinched his cheeks so hard, enough for him to scream like a girl.

"Ouch! Ouch!" He cried.

"Wu Bosong, how is he? He didn't attend our wedding. Is he still holding a grudge towards me?" I asked.

"Still successful. By the way, he told me he couldn't come to the wedding because he was too busy practicing for his competition in New York."

I nod my head and opened my phone.

New message from: Chen Xiaoxi
Hi. Are you still there? The line is too long. Maybe 3 hours later, it would be my turn. You can go anywhere if you are bored. I'll just hit you up when I'm finished.

Darn it. I knew it. I went to Xiaoxi and talked to her.

"What did you buy?" I asked her. She kept on covering the cart for me not to see it.


"What? You're willing to wait in line for three hours just for nothing? C'mon let me see it."

The dress I hated.

"Xiaoxi... I told you I don't like this." I said angrily.

"Okay! Okay! For goodness sake, Chen. I'll put it back." She said in a frightened tone.

"I'll go with you." I said.

We went back to the shop and returned the dress. The salesladies had all of their eyes on eyes, making me uncomfortable.

"Is she his wife?"

"She's not for him."


I hurriedly pulled Xiaoxi and covered her ears. I don't want her to hear about those girls said.

"Even if you cover my ears, I can still hear a word they're saying." She said quietly.

"Stop it. I'm more than happy to have this woman in my life. And she is not my girlfriend, she is my wife."

Silence filled the room.

"Let's go, Xiaoxi."

We went out from the room. I feel bad for Xiaoxi. I don't want to her to feel insecure for loving me. I love her just the way she is.

"Stop feeling bad. I know how to cheer you up. Let's go to the restaurant!"

I always know how to make her smile. Food. Nothing more. So she suddenly agreed and off we went to the resto.

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