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alice's pov;

it has been a couple of weeks since the mission i had with pietro and he had been acting different lately, i would describe it more affectionate? maybe just understanding. we talked about our parents and how we both missed our mothers and fathers. he told me details about the tragic event in sokovia that he and wanda had to experience at a young age. me, wanda and pietro also spent a lot time together. we have movie marathons and pull pranks on all the other avengers. oh yeah, i guess i've decided to be an avenger. it's kinda tiring sometimes but fun. it feels rewarding to do something good for the world.

"want anything from the store you two?" pepper yelled from the other room. "get chocolate chip granola bars please! thanks pep!" i yelled while sitting on the couch with pietro watching tv. "and blue gatorade for pietro." i said after pietro mouthed for me to yell for him, he was a little shy sometimes.

"okay, me and nat will be back in an hour!" pepper informed us, her and natasha went on little adventures together. they did manicures and shopping trips. they are pretty close. i heard pepper leave and slam a door and i turned my attention back to pietro.

"you like blue stuff don't you?" i asked while handing him the remote to turn something good on.

"it's my favorite color." he said and winked. i scoffed and turned to face the tv and saw that pietro turned on the dick van dyke show. "this was my family's favorite show."

"yes, you've told me. it's a great show." i said and smiled at pietro but he just had a sad smile on his face while staring at the tv and i frowned and looked at the tv and continued watching it.

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as the episode ended i grabbed the remote and pressed the power button to turn the tv off. i looked at pietro and he looked at me, i sighed and laughed. "we need to go outside or do something productive." i said and he nodded and stood up about to walk away.

"wait." i said and he immediately stopped and turned around. i stood up and walked towards him.

"if you ever need someone to talk to about sad things, happy things, things that make you mad and literally anything else. i want you to know that you can always talk to me. i'm here for you. and you aren't alone pietro." i bursted out and played with my hands.

"thank you, alice, thank you." he said and we both approached each other and hugged. "you know i'm here for you too." he said into my ear. i nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence for a few seconds.

" i interrupting something?" someone said while walking into the tv room making me and pietro break the hug and look at the person who ruined the nice moment.

clint barton.

"thanks for ruining this wholesome moment, barton." i said sarcastically but wasn't really joking. pietro laughed and i walked past clint towards my room and i heard a "whoosh" sound so i suspected that was pietro speeding away.

dedicated to the one i love | pietro maximoff Where stories live. Discover now