Morning Cuddles

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Warnings: None
Work count: 643

Summary: lily walks into a cute moment between Remus and Sirius.

Lily was in the common room studying when she remembered she lent her book to Remus and really needed it back.

It was the weekend and it was already past breakfast so she figured no one would be upstairs and she could just slip in and grab the book from Remus's bag.

She walked up the stairs to the boys dormitory and peaked through the door just to make sure no one was in there. She looked around and saw no one there except a bunch of unmade beds so she walked in just past the door.

What she failed to see was under the pile of blanket on one of the beds was to very in love boys. Lily of course already knew about Remus and Sirius as she was one of the first people Remus told. But what she didn't expect to see was such cuteness.

Remus has always been very reserved and wasn't very good with affection. So seeing his dopey smile and the way he was holding Sirius came as a bit of a shock to Lily.

Remus was part way lying on top of Sirius. His hand running gently through the other boy's wavy black hair as he pressed a kiss to his nose.

Sirius had his eyes closed pretending to be asleep but he wasn't fooling Remus or lily as they saw right through his act. Sirius just wanted more kisses (not that Remus was mad about it).

Remus lowered his head with an adoring smile on his face and whispered in Sirius ear just loud enough for Lily to hear "I know you're awake Sirius. Come on it's time to get up."

Sirius however ignored this and continued to pretend to be asleep. Attempting to hide the small smile playing on his lips.

Remus just chuckled rubbing their noses together and giving him another kiss on the cheek. "Really you're going to play in that way...? Fine then..." Said Remus with a smirk on his lips before he started tickling Sirius. And well that definitely broke Sirius's little charade as he burst out laughing.

Now this came as an even bigger surprise to Lily. The Sirius Black was ticklish. Lily couldn't help but laugh quietly to herself at the new found fact but then she just absolutely melted at the sight before her.

Remus was still tickling Sirius. He had his arms pinned above his head and he was laughing while leaving sloppy kisses all over a laughing Sirius's face.

Eventually Remus let up and gave Sirius a break from the tickling allowing him to catch his breath but that didn't stop the kissing.

Remus kept placing kisses along Sirius's face and neck while Sirius was still trying to catch his breath and now avoid getting attacked by kisses all the while laughing happily.

"Moony stop, I can't... breath" Said Sirius through breathless laughter.

"I'm sorry darling, you were aware of the consequences and now you must pay the price" Said Remus going back to attacking Sirius with kiss after kiss, pulling him on top of him so that Sirius started laughing again trying halfheartedly to get away from him.

At this point Lily had the biggest smile on her face. She was always worried that Sirius didn't treat Remus well or was using him but seeing this was all the reassurance she needed.

Lily hardly ever saw Remus this happy and it warmed her heart immensely. It was good to know that whenever she asked Remus how it was going with Sirius and he merely said "good" that he wasn't lying.

Lily quietly left the room closing the door gently on her way out. She figured she didn't really need the book that much anyways. It wasn't worth ruining the moment.

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