The First Transformation

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Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence
Work count: 1673

Summary: The marauder's first time witnessing Remus's transformation in the shrieking shack during a full moon.

Sirius's POV:

Me, James, Peter and Remus were all currently standing in the shrieking shack. We had told Remus about becoming animagus for him a couple of weeks ago and this was our first full moon with him.

Remus looked extremely nervous. He was pacing the room back and forth looking like there was a million thoughts running through his head.

I looked over at James and Peter and they looked nervous too. Peter was picking at his fingers anxiously while James was taping his foot.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what to expect. Remus never told us about his transformations.

We'd gathered some information from books in the library and knew it was extremely painful but there was still a lot we didn't know.

Suddenly Remus stopped pacing and turned to look at the three of us.

"You guys can still back out if you want. There's still time." He said looking at us nervously.

"What? No, of course we're not leaving you Moons." Said James.

"Really because I don't know how this will go and I couldn't live with myself if one of yo-" Remus started before I cut him off.

"Don't be ridiculous Moony. Everything is going to be fine." I Said taking a step forward.

Remus paused for a moment looking down at his hands before he spoke. "It's not going to be pretty." He said quietly.

"Remus, we don't care how gruesome it is we just want to help you. You're our best friend." Said James.

"Yeah Moons, that's the whole reason we're here. We want to help you through it." Said Peter, speaking up and giving Remus a soft smile.

"Don't worry Moony, everything is going to be fine. We'll make sure of it." I Said trying to reassure him.

Remus didn't speak for a moment he merely looked at us in gratitude. He looked so grateful and shocked it almost broke my heart. How could he think we wouldn't do this for him.

"Okay." Said Remus taking a deep breath. "Just... be prepared for screaming. I'll scream a lot. If anything isn't going to plan you need to get out of here, even if that means taking me down in the process." All three of us were about to interject but he cut us off. "I know you are going to fight me on this but I need you to promise me. If the situation occurs you need to do what's necessary to save yourselves." None of us spoke. "Promise me." Said Remus more forcefully. We all hesitantly nodded our heads. He seemed satisfied at that. It's fine. Nothing will go wrong.

Suddenly Remus stiffened before wincing in pain.

"Change." He said through gritted teeth. "Now."

We all changed into our animagus forms and waited for what was to come.

Remus fell to the ground in pain and it took everything in me not to go help him. He was kneeled over on the ground for a moment, his face scrunched up in pain before he started to scream.

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