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Warnings: Mild sexual content really just some kissing

Work count: 823

Summary: What happens during a train ride when Sirius gets jealous?

Lily's POV:

It was the start of our sixth year at hogwarts and I was boarding the train. I was heading to the marauders usual compartment where I was planning to sit with James.

When I got there Remus, Peter and James were already there. There was one other girl too. Her name was Elizabeth and she was currently dating Peter.

I felt very bad for the pale haired boy as his girlfriend obviously had a huge crush on Remus. Remus was of course completely oblivious to this fact, having made his mind up that no one liked him.

Remus was sitting at his usual spot by the window reading. He was too invested in the story to even look up. I laughed at my best friend before taking my seat next to James.

James and I were on the opposite side of the compartment than Remus. I sat down giving James a kiss first. We'd been writing to each other all summer after we got together last year.

Elizabeth and Peter were also sitting across from us next to Remus. Elizabeth was in between ten two boys, very obliviously trying to get Remus's attention. Peter kept trying to talk to her and hold her hand. It was hard to watch.

After we'd all recapped our summers and Remus realized I was here and apologizing profusely, Sirius came in.

He looked a little taller than he was, which wasn't really very tall at all. His hair was slightly longer reaching near his shoulders. He looked a little pale and worn out as I'd noticed he did every year after returning but looked as cheerful as ever. That was until he noticed Elizabeth.

Now Elizabeth was sitting closer to Remus with their knees touching and she was pretending to get something out of his hair. Sirius immediately looked jealous and before he even made introductions he went and sat on top of Remus.

He realized his mistake as soon as it had happened and slide off of him so he had his back pressed to the window and his legs were bent over Remus's. In the process of this he'd practically kicked Elizabeth away from Remus and now there was Sirius's foot length separating her from him.

Remus just looked up confused while me and James gave each other knowing looks. Elizabeth looked pissed but Sirius just gave her a victorious smirk. She rolled her eyes. Suddenly Peter spoke.

"Sirius, why can't you go sit over there? There's no room here and you just kicked Lizzy."Said Peter.

"Well she can move then. I'm completely comfortable and besides I need to get caught up with my dearest moony don't I?" Said Sirius smugly. Peter rolled his eyes looking annoyed but let it go. We all knew it was pointless arguing with a determined Sirius.

"It's fine, I'll move." Said Remus trying to stand up. Both Elizabeth and Sirius objected at the same time a little too quickly. They each glared at each other and I really had no idea how Remus still hadn't figured out what was going on here yet.

Remus sat back down and Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus's neck pulling him close to him. He put his hands in Remus's soft brown hair and started playing with it.

"I told you moons, I need to talk to you." Said Sirius trying to be seductive. Elizabeth looked annoyed and like she was about to kill someone before Peter objected.

"Hey Liz, why don't we go and see if we can find the trolley?" Asked Peter looking upset. Shit. He knows doesn't he?

They got up and left and me and James once again gave each other a look. Sirius was still practically sitting on Remus so we decided this was our chance to give them their alone time.

"Me and James are also going to look for the trolley. We'll be back in a moment." I said and Remus nodded while Sirius didn't respond looking rather concentrated on Remus's face.

Me and James actually went to the trolley and on our way there we saw Elizabeth and Peter talking in a compartment. It looked like Peter was breaking up with her. Good for him.

Once me and James finally got back to the compartment what we saw was surprising.

Remus was on top of Sirius ravishing his mouth. Sirius was panting heavily with his arms wrapped around Remus's neck. Their kiss looked rather aggressive, consisting of a lot of tongue and hair pulling.

They seemed to notice me and James were standing there after a moment and Remus fell off of Sirius and onto the floor. He looked horrified while Sirius just looked confused and flustered.

There was a moment of silence before me and James high fived.

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