All Mine

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Warnings: Sexual content

Work count: 2387

Summary: After Sirius returns from Azkaban the pair both need time to heal. Or so they think, Remus find himself just wanting to be fucked. He discovers from Sirius's return that he's very horny and might be a switch. Top Sirius. It's very fluffy

Remus's POV:

It had been ten years since my life fell apart and a few month since it started piecing itself back together.

For the first time in those ten years, the person I desired the most had finally returned to me. At first he was in shambles. His hair knotted and long, his skin sunken and grey. His eyes dull and lifeless, but he was mine and he was here. He came back to me; an innocent man.

The night Sirius had returned it was cold. I sat by the fire in my tiny cottage in the dark, the only light coming from the fire. It poured outside and the winds were loud, yet it was quiet inside. That's why I was immediately on edge when I heard a noise. I didn't stumble upon many noises through the years that didn't come from me. It usually wasn't a good sign.

Just this once, I might have been wrong.

I had my wand in hand, ready to fight, to defend but there was no need. I knew instantly. It was like I could feel him and when I saw those grey eyes it was like the world just stopped and paused for a moment. There was no words, no air, no space, nothing. I couldn't move, couldn't speak.

Sirius was the first one to make a move. He approached slowly, calmly, as if the last time he had seen me was yesterday.

I didn't realize how close he was until his hand made it's way to my cheek, whipping away a stray tear I didn't know I let fall. So gentle. Always so gentle with me.

"You're as beautiful as the day I left you." Sirius breathed. Tracing my skin with the beds of his fingers.

That was the first time I'd felt something since he left. The first time I'd really felt something. That was a month ago.

Currently we hadn't made much progress. It was hard. It was hard for him. I knew it was and that's why I felt like the worst person in the world because all I wanted him to do was fuck me.

I know it's not the time. Oh how I know but I just can't help myself. Before... well everything, I had always been the one doing the fucking. I was always on top, always wanted to be. I liked it like that and so did Sirius, but now...

when Sirius got back he was a mess. An unfairly still beautiful mess sure, but a mess nonetheless. Since then he has cleaned himself up.

His hair needed to be cut, despite his protests, it was just too knotted and dead. It was currently slicked back and cut to is ears. The shortest I'd ever seen it. Of course he still looks amazing as he does with everything. He only seems to wear leather. It reminds him of who he was, who he is and as sweet as that is it's also been plaguing Remus's wet dreams and fantasies for the past month. Awful, he feels awful.

Sirius had gotten quite fit as well in his time in Azkaban. He always was but he never really put that much effort into his body, naturally fit as he was, he didn't need to. It seems as though he'd made a hobby of working out in Azkaban, that is if the size of his arms were anything to go by.

Sirius is so unfairly beautiful. He always has been but after ten years of not seeing him, it seems Remus has lost his ability to look away again.

Remus, himself, has done the complete opposite type of developing than Sirius. He's gotten thinner and weaker. Remus is a poor man, can't afford much and the things he can aren't high quality or nutriocious. He's been dealing with full moons on his own for quite some time now and he's honestly quite surprised he's still alive or as in tact as he currently is.

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