Moony and Padfoot

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Warnings: None
Word count: 878

Summary: Ever since Remus and Sirius had gotten secretly together Moony has been a bit more possessive during the full moons and James is starting to catch on. Super fluffy :)

James's POV:

I was running through the woods of the enchanted forest with my best friends, Moony, Padfoot, and Wormtail. Wormatail was on my shoulder as I followed closely behind the two canines running side by side, Padfoot only tagging slightly behind.

I watched as moony ran through the forest, I thought of all those years he spent cooped up and how happy he looked now. He may not be entirely free but at least he had his friends with him now and a few hours to run lose.

Remus was always terrified before the full moon and not only because of the painful transformation. He was scared that he would hurt one of us but now, looking at him as the wind brushed through his sandy colored fur as he ran on the dirt ground I knew he wasn't a monster but an angry caged beast. We were his pack and he would never intentionally hurt us. Despite what Remus wanted to think I could tell he was hidden somewhere behind those eyes and he cared for us as his brothers the same way he did in his human form.

Padfoot was running beside him, trying his best to keep up and loving the freedom of the wind the same way moony did. They had always gotten along better than the rest of us during full moons and while that did make me a little jealous I figured it was probably because the two animals had more in common.

We came to a small river and we all slowed our pace. Moony went to grab a drink of water as Padfoot eagerly followed him. Sirius always stayed really close to Moony on full moons, never getting farther than a few feet. I knew that this was probably for the best as Moony was exceptionally protective over Padfoot, even more then Pete and I.

Padfoot went up to moony, disturbing his drink break as he jumped around excitedly, waging his tail and nudging moony with his head. He kept provoking him until moony finally bit back, literally.

He grabbed him by the neck with his teeth and I was about to panic before I realized he was just playing and wasn't actually hurting Sirius. He held onto his neck as Padfoot tried to escape, he got free and went to bite Moony's leg. This kept going back and forth until the two animals were wrestling on the forest ground.

Moony had Padfoot pinned and soon enough he gave in and surrendered. Moony released his friend, accepting his surrender and began to lick a small wound he'd accidentally made on Padfoot's ear. Sirius didn't seem to notice as he kept playfully trying to nip Moony's nose.

Moony began his quest on cleaning the filthy dog before him as he had rolled in the dirt, he started to lick his head. Padfoot kept moving his head, his tongue stuck out as he enjoyed the cleaning of the big golden wolf on top of him.

I laughed internally at my two friends and tried to get closer to them and also grab a drink of water when Moony growled at me.  Moony hadn't growled at me since we were first introduced so I was shocked. The action wasn't exactly a very threatening one more of a friendly warning. I was confused and took another step and he growled again the same way.

I stepped back in forth and as he would growl when I got too close and then stop when I backed up. I tried walking around him and Padfoot and he watched me questioningly but didn't growl again as I went to grab some water. He turned back to Padfoot and nuzzled him gently. Padfoot grabbed his ear gently between his teeth and barked happily.

Am I missing something here? I thought to myself as I looked at the pair. Since when are they so lovey dovey with each other. Moony is never usually that protective of him and definitely not with me and wormy.

We got back to the shrieking shack as the sun began to rise and soon Remus was transforming back into himself in the gruesome way he did.

Sirius immediately ran over to him the second he was back to normal and wrapped him up in a blanket. Sirius's full attention was on Remus as he inspected the still dazed and in pain boy. Remus dopily smiled at Sirius who held his face in his hands and checked for any cuts.

The look Remus gave him though wasn't one of a friend, no that was a look of love. Like pure, relationship, the way may parents look at each other, love.

I stared at the two for a moment as I connected all the pieces

"Holy shit! You two are in love!"

They both looked at me in shock along with Peter who was standing next to me.

Remus nor Sirius answered and just looked at me with their mouths open.

"Well duh James, took you long enough to figure it out." Said peter with a knowing smile.

I didn't say anything as I looked at my two best friends and gave them my biggest, brightest smile I could.

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