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Warnings: mild language, sort of gore but mostly just a disturbing mental image
Work count: 1556

Summary: Sirius gets cursed to become hideous.

Sirius's POV:

I was walking down the hall when I saw this boy named Jacob talking to my Moony.

I knew he had a crush on Remus and it drove me crazy. Not because I thought he was a threat or even stood a chance I just didn't like him flirting with my boyfriend.

My Moony was way out of his league anyways. Jacob was quite short, only a little taller than me but in a weird disproportionate way. He had crooked, yellow teeth and a huge nose and his hair was short and a gross creamy yellow color.

Why he even thought he stood a chance with my Moony is still a mystery to me but all I knew was this boy needed to get away from my boyfriend, now.

I walked up to them and stood right next to Remus so our sides were basically pressed together. I glared at the Jacob kid and he looked ticked off. Good.

After our quick non-verbal interaction, I ignored the boy.

"Hey Moons, we were just going to lunch. You coming?" I asked standing right in front of him, blocking Jacob in the process.

"Uh, Yeah sure." Said Remus, completely oblivious to the whole situation, along with Jacob's crush.

I heard Jacob scoff behind me and walk away. Finally the stupid boy got the hint.


Later that day, I was walking to the library to go see Remus when I ran into Jacob. It looked like he was heading to the library too. Presumably to see Remus. I rolled my eyes.

"Well hello there... Jason was it?" I asked getting his name wrong on purpose. "Were you looking for Remus because I really wouldn't bother".

He stopped and looked at me for a moment. He looked me up and down and seemed almost jealous.

"Actually, I was looking for you." Said Jacob.

That made me confused. Why the hell was he looking for me?

I didn't answer so he continued. "I know that you and Remus are dating. You think you're so special and better than everyone else but you're wrong. Remus deserves better than you. He deserves someone who actually gets him and likes the thing he likes. The only reason he's even dating you is because of the way you look. In fact, that's the only reason why anyone even likes you." He said. He sounded angry and like he'd rehearsed that a couple of times. I tried not to laugh.

"Well done. You've cracked the code, I've secretly forced Remus into a relationship with my devilishly good looks." I Said sarcastically, clapping my hands.

"You may think that now but we'll see how much he likes you when you look as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside." Said Jacob. He raised his wand at me and before I could react he'd hit me with a spell.

I fell to the ground and inspected myself quickly. I looked down at my body and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I jumped up to look in the windows reflection and my face looked the same too.

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