Sleep Talker

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Warnings: None
Work count: 909

Summary: Sirius is a sleep talker and accidentally says something he shouldn't have.

Something a lot of people didn't know about Sirius was that he was a sleep talker. The only people who were aware of this were the marauders and Sirius's brother, Regulus.

It was currently a Friday night and the marauders has just thrown another legendary Gryffindor party. All of the marauders has been drinking that night. Peter was somewhere throwing up. James was probably off humiliating himself in front of Lily. Remus was completely fine, if slightly tipsy and Sirius was drunk as ever and practically falling over.

Remus eventually got bored and went to bed while the rest of the group continued to party. About an hour later Sirius came up to the dorm room very clumsily, almost falling over and waking Remus up. Sirius who was so drunk he barely even knew what was going on walked over to the nearest bed, fell down and went to sleep. That bed happened to be Remus's, and the one he was currently laying in.

Remus not having enough energy to move decided to just go with it and tried to go back to sleep with Sirius practically laying on top of him.

A moment later when Remus was close to falling asleep again, he heard Sirius mumble something.

Remus who had now given up on sleep decided to have a little fun. "What was that Sirius?" He said with an amused smile on his lips.

"Imgonnaaskhim" mumbled Sirius.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Said Remus trying to get a clear answer from him.

"I said I'm going to ask him James" Said a still asleep Sirius.

"Ask who?" Asked Remus.

"Moony" Said Sirius

"And what were you going to ask Moony?" Said Remus trying not to laugh.

" To be my boyfriend"

At that Remus paused in shock. What did he just say. No. He was asleep it was probably some weird dream he was having. Right?

"I love him so much, James. What do I do? What if he doesn't like me?" Said Sirius

Remus paused for a moment not knowing what to do. No this wasn't real he doesn't like me. Instead of taking this seriously Remus decided it was just a funny joke.

"It's okay Sirius, I'm sure he likes you too."

"But how do you know that for sure?" Said Sirius.

"Because I am Moony" Said Remus laughing quietly and running his fingers through Sirius's hair.

Sirius then gasped "Moony?" He said excitedly wrapping his arms around Remus and crawling further on top of him, still half asleep.

"I love you Moony" Said Sirius in a half incoherent way before he sighed dreamily and buried his head in the crook of Remus's neck.

Remus just smiled softly still playing with his best friends hair before he fell asleep as well.


The next morning Sirius woke up to the smell of old books, firewood and vanilla and it felt like he was in heaven. The smell of Remus.

Wait Remus!  With a bolt of adrenaline Sirius shot straight up realizing that he was sleeping next to Remus. Memories of the party last night came flooding back but what was more concerning was what didn't come flooding back.

Fuck, what did I do. Sirius thought to himself, frantically trying to remember. What could he have done to end up in a bed with Remus Lupin. His best friend/crush Remus Lupin.

Thankfully they both still had their clothes on which at least crossed one thing off the list of ideas coming in Sirius's head. Wouldn't want to have forgotten that.

Sirius was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Remus start to stir. Remus sat up and took in his surroundings and then looked Sirius dead in the eye.

A moment later Remus burst out laughing. Laughing? Why the fuck is he laughing.

"You should see your face right now" Said Remus holding his stomach from the laughter.

"What happened last night?" Asked Sirius not sure if he really wanted to know the answer.

"You don't remember" Asked Remus and Sirius merely shook his head.

"Well pretty much you got drunk and then you crawled into my bed." Said Remus laughing. "Oh and apparently you love me and are going to ask me out."

Sirius froze with a horrified look on his face. Remus stopped laughing and looked at him with concern.

Remus reached out to him and Sirius started crying.

"I'm so sorry Moony. Please don't tell anyone. I get it if you hate me." Said Sirius through tears.

Remus froze in shock for a moment before responding. "Wait, what? I thought you were just drunk I didn't know you... I'm so sorry Pads, I didn't mean to laugh I just didn't realize." Said Remus as he cupped Sirius face in his hands wiping away his tears.

"So... You weren't laughing at me? You don't hate me?" Asked Sirius.

"No of course not Pads, and if the offer still stands I'd love to go out with you." Said Remus nervously.

Sirius sat there for a moment before he pounced on Remus. Remus laughed and wrapped his arms around Sirius.

"So is that a yes?" Asked Remus through laughter.

"YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Said Sirius excitedly.

Remus moved Sirius's hair from his face and kissed his forehead as they both dissolved into laughter.

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