My Moony

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Warnings: None
Words: 1341

Summary: Sirius gets jealous when a girl is looking at Remus in class.

Sirius's POV:

I watched Remus across the room staring at his homework with a concentrated glare.

We were in the middle of class and he was working hard on his work unlike they rest of the class.

He had his face propped up on his hand which was bent on the desk. A strand of his sandy curls was hanging in front of his face but he didn't seem to notice, too caught up in his work.

Remus was so beautiful. He was a complete idiot of course cause for some reason he couldn't see it but he was my beautiful idiot.

One of my favourite things about Remus, which is a close call between every other thing about him which is also perfect, is his eyes. He had the most lovely eyes I'd ever seen in my life.

They were a soft caramel colour that made him look so soft and inviting, which is exactly how he was. I watched him blinking down at his paper through this ridiculously long eyelashes. I mean boy did he have long eyelashes, they were thick and dark and so fucking sexy.

I was so caught up in my endless daydreaming that i didn't notice James talking to me.

"Hey Pads, were you even listening to me?" He asked looking at me funny.

I didn't say anything and stared at him with a confused face. There was no point in lying to him anyway, he always saw right through me.

"I Said did you see that girl checking out our Moony?" He said pointing at a girl sitting behind Remus. "She's been staring at him all class" James continued.

No, I hadn't noticed James but thanks for pointing that out. I thought now glaring at the girl uncontrollably.

Who did she think she was staring at my Moony like that!

"Maybe Moony will finally get his first date, who knows" Said james suggestively, moving his eyebrows in the most ridiculous way.

This only caused me to glare further. There was no fucking way I was letting that happen.


Remus's POV:

I was scribbling down answers to my homework as quickly as I could. I didn't have time for this right now, not with all my other work and the full moon coming up.

I had been extremely stressed all week and it would be a huge relief to get this done. I was almost done and I could already feel the tension leaving my body as the stress lessened a bit.

I was brought out of my deep concentration by Sirius practically jumping into the seat next to me and swingign his arm around me.

"Hiya Moons, how's it hanging?" He said casually as if he didn't just make the loudest entrance in existence.

"Umm... okay I guess..." I Said looking at him oddly but also trying not to focus on his arm that was still around me. I shrugged him off and went back to my work.

I saw Sirius looking behind me out of the corner of my eye and looked up to see what he was doing. Only then did I notice the girl sitting behind me looking rather angry.

I'd forgotten her name, I didn't really like keeping tabs on anyone here. The more people I knew the more I cared about them and there opinions and that was the last thing I needed. I could only imaging what they thought of me.

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