The Rivalry

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Warnings: smut
Work count: 2515

Summary: Sirius is in Slytherin and hates Remus Lupin, the annoying Gryffindor boy who he's determined to get his revenge on.

Sirius POV:

When I was eleven years old I was sorted into Slytherin. My entire family had been in Slytherin for generations and I was merely keeping up the family legacy.

I went along with the rules. Only hung out with purebloods, did well in all my classes, never got caught for doing something wrong and pretty much acted like I was better than everyone else. Just like I was supposed to.

The only thing was that I absolutely hated it. It was nice that I was with my brother, Regulus but other than that it was boring and exhausting. Not that I'd ever let anyone know that, especially not my rival. Remus Lupin.

There was always just something about the boy that drove Sirius crazy.

He remembered what he was like in first year. He was the weird kid that never talked and never got talked to. But now Remus Lupin was popular.

Everyone seemed to love him. Even some of the Slytherins. He was smart, even though he was only a halfblood and he was witty and annoyingly nice. At least when he wanted to be.

The worst part about Remus, was that he was untouchable. He had so many friends, so many people on his side it was impossible to get to him. And oh boy did Sirius want to get to him. He would ruin Remus Lupin if only he had the chance.

In second year Lupin and his friends Potter and Pettigrew played a little prank on Sirius. They set up a bucket of this green gooey substance above one of the classroom doorways and waited until Sirius walked under it. Sirius was covered in the stuff, utterly humiliated.

Afterwards Lupin tried to apologize, Said it was directed at that weird Snape boy but Sirius wasn't having any of it. Who did he think he was? No one, and I mean no one disrespected a Black like that. Especially not with some idiotic muggle prank.

After that it became Sirius's mission to ruin his life. He'd discovered years later that that might be more difficult than he'd thought.

This rivalry between the two boys had been going on for years now because after Sirius plotted his revenge Remus did the same then so on, so on. Instead of revenge it turned into a year long competition over who could make the other more miserable. They haven't yet declared a winner.

The thing was, Sirius was good. So good in fact most others wouldn't even bother trying. It was in his genetics to be intelligent, to be ruthless, cruel, and always three steps ahead. The only issue was, Lupin was good too. but that didn't deter Sirius, absolutely not. He would have his revenge even if it killed him.

Remus's POV:

I was walking to the library with one of my best friends, Lily Evans when I saw Black. He was walking in the opposite direction of me and we crossed paths for only a moment. In that moment we locked eyes. Honey met silver and Remus felt butterflies in his stomach.

Even though everyone knew about our little rivalry I'd actually had a crush on the boy for years, I mean really how couldn't I? He was ridiculously beautiful and smart and even though he'd probably try and kill me if I ever said this out loud, adorable.

As he passed me in the hall he bumped into my shoulder harshly while glaring at me. I just smiled to himself amusedly. I loved that I riled him up like that.

"What are you smiling about?" Asked lily. "You're not planning another prank against him are you? I swear this stupid rivalry between you two will never end. It's best to just let it go." Said Lily giving Remus a look.

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