Horrifying dreams

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Warnings: Discriptive gore, violence
Work count:

Summary: Remus has a disturbing nightmare.

I woke up to darkess.

I could barely see a thing around me as I looked around the dark room I was in. I didn't know how I got here or what was going on. I couldn't even tell if I was really indoors or not.

I took a few steps around until I saw a dime light reflect off of something. I recognized it to be a mirror. I walked towards it causiously. I'd never liked mirrors.

I stood in front of the tall, plain mirror for only a moment before I felt something cold touch my should. I gasped and spun around only to see the familiar face of Sirius. I signed with relief and realised the room seemed a bit brighter. He always had that effect on things.

He had a gentle smile on his full lips, his hand still resting gently on my shoulder. He walked around so he was standing in front of me and took my hand into his, looking down at our conjoint fingers.

"Sirius?" i asked a thoudand question laced in with one word.

He looked up at me before sinking into my arms and wrapping his arms around my waist. We held eye contact, he was batting his eyelashes up at me the way he usually does and I melted at the sight of him. I chuckled softly before leaning down and kissing my gorgeous boyfrind gently.

I opened my eyes after we broke our kiss and he pressed his face to the crook of me neck. I could see us in the reflection of the mirror and I smiled at the sight, twisting my fingers in his thick, black hair.

I looked back up at myself in the mirror but the me standing in the reflection didn't quit look right. There was a look on my face that I swear I wasn't making. One that didn't suit me.

I thought I was going out of my mind before my reflection smirked menacingly at me and I gasped. Sirius didn't seem to notice, still barried in my chest the way he usually does when we're alone.

My heart started to race. Something was wrong. Someting was very wrong.

I looked back up at my reflection once more, my heart racing only to see me, me with dark eyes. The eyes that looked of a killer. My reflection wasn't following me like a shadow anymore, it was like I was on the other side of the mirror instead.

My reflection opened it's mouth. My mouth filled with sharp, knife like teeth and I followed it's eyes to the neck of my beloved.

"NO!" I screamed before it sank it's teeth into Sirius's neck. Ripping the flesh as blood oozed out, gushing from the viens that were torn. I pried my eyes away from the mirror, to stunned to do much else but look at my Sirius, the one that isn't in the mirror.

To my horror the disturbing sight was no longer just a sick reflection as Sirius pulled away from me. Horror in his eyes as he stumbled backwards. His hand over the chuck that was ripped from his neck, choking on his own blood that was spewing from his mouth.

I was shaking and crying as I reached out to him, my sobs were loud as I blinked through my tear filled eyes. He stumbled away from me in fear and I stopped momentarly. I looked down to my hands to see my fingers covered in blood. Suddenly there were mirrors left and right, surrounding me and all reflecting the same image. Me with blood in my mouth, dripping down my chin and eyes so dark they resembled the night.

These reflections didn't have a mind of their own, they followed me when I moved and that was even more terryfying because that meant that this was me. I was the one with a bloody mouth and I was responsible for what I'd just done.

I looked to the ground next to me and saw Sirius laying there. I fell to the ground next to him, sobbing profusely as I begged him to open his eyes, for the wound in his neck to magically repair itself and for him to tell me it was all okay.

He didn't though and I craddled his now motionless body in my arms as tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably.

Once again the mirrors brought me torture as a reflection appeared in the one I was facing. I saw a figure behind me. Something in red, maybe more than one. I shakily turned my head, gasps and cries emminating from my throat as I continued to hold onto Sirius.

I turned around and sobbed in horror when I recognised the figure to be my friends. Not just one but all of them. James was the closet, also motionless and pale, covered in his own blood. A gaping hole in his middle that looked like it had been clawed at.

Then Peter next to him, his face torn and bleeding as he layed there with his eyes open. Then it was Lily and Marlene, Mary, Dorcas, my parents, poppy,. It seemed the more I looked the more people there was so I blinked up. Closing my eyes as silent sobs raked throught my body. I had done this. I'm a monster. I killed them, I killed them all.

I opened my eyes once more and saw a big brown wolf in front of me.

An inch from my face, it's low huffs and growls blowing warm air onto my face. I sat there in fear, completely papralyzed before I realised the beast was following me. No it wasn't following me, it was me.

I sat up and in every mirror reflected the monstrous beast before me. Huge and covered in blood, panting heavily with eyes like coal.

"no, no, no" I started to chant softly. Gripping my hair harshly between my fingers before hitting myself in the head repeatly. Trying to make it all go away. I kept hitting myself in the head and repeating my chant of no's before I felt someone shaking me.

"Moony, wake up. Wake up Remus, it's just a bad dream." I shot up with wide eyes to see Sirius's face once more. I instantly looked down to his neck to see he was fine but that didn't stop my heart from racing or the self loathing to stop. Tears fell from my eyes before I even noticed and I wipped them away harshly with he sleeve of my jumper.

"Moons..." Sirius tried to comfort me by reaching out but I just scooted farther away from him.

"Stay away from me! Don't touch me!"

I pulled me knees in close to my chest, ignoring the hurt expression on his face as I avoided his gaze.

"Moony, you don't need to be afraid. No ones going to hurt you." He said. I looked up at him for a second and he instantly understood. "No ones going to hurt me either moony. Especially not you. I'm completely fine I promise. I'm right here." He tried to lean down and capture my gaze once again but I just turned my head even further.

"You don't know that Pads. I have no control and you know that. One minute I might think everything's fine but then the next you could be dead and I wouldn't even know what had happened.

"Yeah but that's not going to happen. I know you have this idea of the wolf in your head but trust me, as someone that has actually seen him, he's not as bad as you think. In fact on the full moons me and him run around and play fight and he protects all of us. He hunts for us, he waits for us and makes sure everyone keeps up. He cares about as much as you do. So trust me when I say that's never going to happen. Please don't let these nightmares convince you of something that just won't happen."

I looked up and him and another tear fell down my cheek. I didn't know how to respond so I only wrapped my arms around him and tried my best to believe what he said.

He, in return, wrapped his arms around me and soon the world went blank once more. This time it wasn't filled with anymore nightmares.

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