The Clingy Competition

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Warnings: None
Work count: 1302

Summary: James and Sirius have a competition on who can stay away from their partners the longest

The marauders and the girls were all sitting in the common room chatting except Remus and Lily who were out doing there prefect rounds.

"Ugh, where's Moony? He's been gone too long." Exclaimed Sirius.

"Yeah lily too, I miss her. Stupid prefect rounds." Said James, pouting.

"You two are aware that you're like the clingiest boyfriends ever, right?" Said Marlene.

"What! We are not!" Said Sirius defensively.

"Really, because every time I see you your hanging off of Remus's arm like your scared he's going to get away from you. And James you won't even let lily go to the bathroom by herself. You need to wait outside for her. Honestly I wouldn't blame them if they took so long just to get a break from you two." Said Marlene.

"That's not true!" Said James. "I just do that to make sure she doesn't end up all alone. I couldn't have my sweet lilyflower getting hurt now could I?"

"Yeah and I do not hang off of Remus's arm. I am fully capable of keeping my distance from him any time I want." Said Sirius crossing his arms.

"Alright fine. If you too can stay away from Remus and lily all night then I'll give you ten gallons and if you can't I get ten gallons. From each of you."

"Alright fine." Said James.

"Yeah, alright." Said Sirius.

"Okay, good. Now the rules are no touching. No kissing, no cuddling, no hugging. Talking is allowed but you must keep your distance. Deal?" Said Marlene offering her hand.

"Deal" Said James and Sirius as the shook Marlene's hand.


The group of friends hung around playing games and talking for about another hour when Lily and Remus finally came back.

It took just about all of Sirius's will power not to run up and kiss his Moony but he restrained himself.

James looked like he was about to get up and give lily a kiss and hug but stopped himself and remained seated where he was on the carpet.

"Hey sweetheart" Said Remus as he sat next to Sirius on the couch. Normally Remus wasn't much of the affectionate type but that was only because he didn't need to be. He was used to Sirius coming up and kissing him and hugging him every time he entered a room so when Sirius didn't he was a little disappointed but made no move himself.

Lily on the other hand walked up to James and was ready to sit on his lap when he called out.

"Wait!" Lily looked surprised but stopped. "What?" She asked confused.

"Well you see I can't touch you." Said James. "And Sirius can't touch Remus either. We kind of made a deal with Marlene that we could go a day without touching you or we'll lose ten gallons.

Marlene was laughing in the background with Mary and Lily looked at James like he was an idiot as did Remus to Sirius. They both knew this was never going to work.

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