Epilogue/New book?

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*Eight years later*

*Blair's POV*

"He's closer, I can feel him Miguel." I said to my mate. Miguel Henderson. Another rogue I found during my life. He ended up being my second mate and Carson's new father.

Together we have traveled to many different places continuing as rogues. Carson is now 18 with two younger siblings Kim and Leon and another on the way. Leon is 15 and Kim is twelve. 

I'm pregnant with their youngest sibling Aurora now.

We were never scared of Markus finding us because of my powers and Carson's. Carson was able to inherit my powers but not Leon..yet hopefully. We have no clue if Kim might get them.

"They don't stand a chance against us" he said while cleaning another fish for our dinner.

"Your right" I said while leaving our little house to go see where the children were.

"Carson, Kim, Leon!" I yelled out to the woods.

In less than a few minutes a black wolf came out followed by a small brown and medium sized grey one.

I threw a pair of shorts at the grey wolf, a long t-shirt to the black wolf, and a pair of pjs to the brown one.

"Inside for dinner please" I said to the three before heading inside.

I set up the table we had and made sure to lock the door after the three once they entered.

I couldn't help but feel anxious at the fact that Markus was finally getting closer.

We decided to make our own little house in the middle of the woods a few years ago. It's easier for us to be able to run and not get caught. Especially with the force field I put around the house.

"Dinners ready" I hear Miguel say.

I head to the table and begin to eat with the rest of the family.

"Momma you should have seen it! Leon killed a deer! A really big one!" Kim yelled excitedly.

"Did you Leon?" Miguel said to him.

"Mhm" Leon said while continuing eating his fish.

"We're very proud of you Leon" I said to him.

I look over to Carson to see her oddly quiet and staring out the window.

"Alright everyone get ready for bed, Carson can I talk with you please?" I ask her.

"Sure" she says staying at the dinner table while Kim and Leon went to their rooms.

"Carson..your birth father..I can feel him getting closer. I need you to be prepared for if he does get here. You know everything I know now, there is no doubt that together we can't take him down."

"Mom, your pregnant you can't do to much" She said after looking at Miguel and I.

"But I can still help you and I will. Otherwise, I'll deal with him if he does reach us."


"Blair, we both know you can't do that. Especially after last time." Miguel interrupts. I barely spare him a glance and continue my conversation with Carson.

"Do you understand me Carson?"

"Yes mom," She said before getting up from the table and heading to her room.

"Blair..I know your extremely strong and powerful but you can't put yourself at risk here..please" Miguel said while putting his hands on my cheek to make me face him.

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