A Person On The Run (ch1)

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!mentions of blood and swearing!

Sitting in a tent on top of rocks and stuff isn't too bad, once you get used to it at least. I've been out here for the past 8 months now, thanks to that beast princess (or whatever the f*ck they call her). She's been after me for those past 8 months. This stupid search and run thing is getting repetitive and hella annoying.
We're rivals, at least I think we are. The two of us want the same thing: Glory. That's what it's called at least, neither of us know what it is. All we want is to get it before the other does.

Lael stood up, walking towards where the compass was pointing. It lead them to a campsite, soaked and littered with blood and trash. The darn thing was stationed near a cave, wouldn't want to bother whatever was in there; we had to move quietly.
They walked around cautiously, avoiding traps that were set there originally by the campsite people. Something was here, and these people wanted to capture it. Whatever it was, they clearly failed and fell victims to this monster..
A bag was found as Lael walked back to her site, opening it on the way.

"Food, clothes, water, aaaand.. a map? Huh," she sat down in her tent. Pulling the map out, it had listed names.

Emixs, Pemio, Noano, Azink- wait! wait wait a minute.. these places existed thousands of years ago, why the f*ck is it written down here? These places have already been conquered by beast girl and other kingdoms and clans. It was worth a shot anyways.

"Farewell mushrooms and stuff, I've got a village to raid."
I walked for about 2 hours, the way to Emixs was surprisingly fast and close. This place was conquered by Zorom 20 years ago, a very passive leader who I had met personally. He wanted info on that beast lady or something, I don't know. He'd definitely let me in on some secrets and.. how do I get pass the guards without being suspicious? I could climb the wall but there are guards everywhere here, on every corner. I'd have to talk my way into this but it wouldn't be easy. Zorom has probably forgotten me by now, I'd have to act like a normal citizen and then get my way into the palace..

They walked around the market, buying food and water they needed for their next adventures. Finally, the palace was in front of them. It was guarded by these really buff men.
"Excuse me?"
That was a woman's voice oh my Go-
"I'd like to speak to Zorom"
"Why would you wish to do that?"
Good question, if I said it was about Glory they'd also be after me.
"I've given information about the beast princess before, which aided you guys in war"
"We will ask our advisor, wait here."

That went.. alright? I mean, I'm not dead so at least that's good. Currently sitting outside the gate waiting for approval to be let in.

"Zorom has allowed your entrance for 15 minutes, the time begins once we enter the throne room. I will be escorting you"
"Oh uh.. ok"

A Lovely Tale?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora