Visiting An Old "Friend" (ch12)

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  I walked for a week straight to get back to Zorom's kingdom. At this point, I was so sick and tired of constantly wanting to cry in sheer pain and confusion. I cant seem to think about what I want anymore, it's mind-boggling.
One moment I want Glory and the next I want Ma..Meow Meow.

I walked through the gates and headed straight towards the palace. There was nothing stopping me now. Nobody will stop me.


Lael turned and saw a figure, one too familiar. Tall, muscular, horns, pointed ears, yea yea you get the point. It was Mako; which is to be expected during this whole chase. Lael just turned and kept walking away, the sound of footsteps following behind.

"And what are you doing here, brat?"
"To talk to the king. He's the reason I even met your pathetic ass. You should be glad I don't have the energy to beat you up."

A chuckle escaped the tall one's mouth, as they grabbed Lael by the hair and pulled them into an alleyway. Lael looked up blankly at her; unsure of what was happening.
"I've got a small offer for you," she spoke sternly.

  "Come home with me, and you live a life of safety until I execute you." The click sound came again. Lael rolled their eyes and shoved pass Mako to walk away and out the alley.
"No, I don't want to see you or your marble castle ever again. I'd honestly rather take a bullet to the leg than go back to yo—"


The sound of a metal object dropping echoed in the alley, along with the ear-piercing sound of the bullet being shot. The two stood quietly as the click sound went off again. The sound of a bustling town continuing with no pause went on. They turned back towards her, a sense of dread filling their body. The princess was stood with a gun in her hand, putting it back into her holster.
  "I'll ask again, you little shit. You come with me or you die."

  "I don't want you."


  I can't remember clearly how it happened, honestly blacked out. The most my brain can recall is gunshots and screaming. Hair pulling too, as you do. Anyways, I snapped back to reality in the castle gates. Guess I had run to the palace.
Once the shock of the encounter wore off, Lael walked towards the castle and saw that same tall and slim man that was seen at the start of this whole chase. The one who brought all the trouble. The one who fucked up Lael's brain and heart. Their gut and better judgment.
They entered the palace.

  "Ah! Lael! What are you doing back here in my kingdom?"
The timer began ticking.

"What did you do to me?"
Zorom raised a brow in confusion. "I uh, come again," the king stuttered out those words. Combing their hair back, Lael looked up at Zorom in frustration.

"Don't act dumb, you know what you did! You set me up for this, you wanted me to bump into the princess."
"You ran into her?"
"No I ran into a dog with a crown, YES I RAN INTO HER!" Lael began losing their patience, they were seeking answers they knew they probably wouldn't find. The once trusted ally looked down at the thief in deep thought, seeming to be processing the sheer bullshittery that she had spat at him. Zorom cleared his throat and nodded his head slightly, blinking his eyes to clear his mind in a way.

"Well, I don't quite understand why you're blaming me for the things you feel. I gave you the map and you ran into Mako. Why are you pinning a blame on me for something I never caused?"
  There was a dead silence that lasted for a blink of an eye as Lael shouted.

"If it weren't for you I wouldn't have met her," They spoke in a confused yet stern voice. "Then I wouldn't have been feeling all this shit. Don't you understand the chain of events that you have caused Zorom? Why cant you see beyond your throne and actually look at the problem?!"

  Before they could continue, the one sat on a throne scoffed and began speaking.

  "None of this is my fault, Lael. I had given you a piece of the puzzle you needed to reach your goal and you come to me with an issue I had no idea about until you told me," He spoke slowly. "What I had given you didn't cause it, you did. I shall not be held responsible for something I didn't do."    The final words were finished with a fist slamming down against the cold surface of a golden seat, the tension between the two rising.

  "Have you anything else to say, or will you leave me to hang?"

  "You're an asshole. I hope your next of kin knows the shit you've put your ally through. Rot in hell."

She stormed off.


  I've been looking for this asshole for the past 8 months. The moment I find them, they slip right under my nose and get away from me. It's sickening how easy this brat gets it. Constantly being able to get away with no trace from other people this pathetic ass-wipe has stolen from. Not me though, she will never get away from me.
  I am making sure of it. I know where this little bastard is heading and I'm going to cut her off, once and for all. Ayer fuck me if she gets away again. I've only got 4 months left until the chase is over. At least her weaknesses were made clear to me..

  Mako walked through the plains and spotted the prize walking along the path. She began sneaking up behind and slowly creeped up. The sound of footsteps faded slowly as she got closer. The princess had gone quiet.
  Lael felt their world roll around them as Mako pinned them down onto the ground, dirt flying up into their eyes; causing them to yell out.

"I'm not letting you go this time, I've got a few friends to help me."

The sound of heavy armor faded into hearing range as Lael blacked out.

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