Lael Enters The Kingdoms (ch2)

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I walked into the throne room where Zorom was sat, the timer began ticking. Well sh*t

"What brings you here Leal?"
"I've come to ask you about leads on the princess."
He chuckled, looking down at me.. very degrading I'll be honest. Zorom spoke to this lady— I assume his secretary or whatever— about something I couldn't hear well but understood.

"I shall provide you with leads on her location, for a price." Of fucking course.
"What're your prices chief? I'm in a hurry"
"I want your loyalty to my kingdom"

Lael looked up at Zorom confused. What did he mean by loyalty? Service?
"What do you mean by loyalty?"
"You must sign a contract, stating you will never steal or commit any actions against my kingdom. Is that understood?"
She sighed, nodding her head. The lady walked over.. brown curls, dark skin, green eyes-
"Ah yes sorry"

  I walked out the kingdom with at least 4 maps and 6 other papers. All of them had some leads on the princess, which I'd been told her name is Mako. I'd say it's a weird name, but then I remember mine is 'Lael' so I don't have room to speak.
Seems she'd be headed towards the Pemio area now.. I'd have to go to Noano.

She walked for 4 days, taking pit stops when her legs began to give out. Lael finally arrived in Noano, an artifact kingdom. This place was home to ancient scrolls, relics, paintings, anything of the sort really. The population was low, it was more of a town if anything.
Sneaking into the place was easy, getting out would be harder. It's a simple way in, through the back window of the main 'palace.' Waltz through the library and find the back wall. Push in the purple book and secret room.

Now I'm here.. I've got what I need. How do I get out? There's a window but it has iron bars, I don't have a fucking pickaxe or anything to break it with. Unless


  Holy shit that actually worked! The rust really broke these bars down. I jumped down from the window, clutching onto the vines. I know it's dumb but how else would I get down?! I walked away like nothing had happened. I am now 3 steps closer ,and ahead of Mako, to finding Glory.

Pff- imagine if I ran into her as I said that.

Lael bumped into someone, they seemed very tall and rather muscular. She ran, apologizing on the way out.
"After them Sundrop, they're getting away."


I changed my mind! It would NOT be funny to bump into her! I DIDN'T KNOW SHE'D HAVE A WHOLE ASS ARMY WHO THE FUCK ALWAYS HAS A GUARD PARTY READY?!

  Running through the woods was my best option at this point, but before I made it I was surrounded by her and her guards.
Wonderful. Just great.

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