Damn Bastard (ch15)

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!swearing, suggestive!

Lael woke up to warm hands grabbing them by the waist which shook them awake. There was only one person they knew would do that, Mako. Their suspicions were proven correct as Mako sat on top of their... body. Lael quickly sat up and looked around, seeing that Mako was previously straddling them on their legs, her hands holding some bandages; the stream of thought Lael looked at their arm and saw the gashing wound from a few days back now a ginormous scab that itched like hellfire but before they could get a single word out, Mako pushed them back onto their back; sticking two fingers into their mouth as she bandaged their arm, Lael's struggled protesting showed through kicks and flailing their other arm. The silent struggles came to an end as Mako released Lael and scooted off. Lael gasped dramatically, Mako rolling her eyes, and looked at her with frustration.

"That was so fucking violating what you just did."
"As much as I want you dead, I would like to do it by my own hand in front of my eyes.. not while you are sleeping."
"Charming," was all Lael could hiss out as a response. They took a second glance at the room and saw that the curtains were closed and lavender still filled the room. Mako stood up from the bed and seemed to rummage through a bag— Lael's bag. Adrenaline rushed over as Lael tried to reach over but pulled their own leg out from under with the blanket wrapped around their foot. Mako dug through the contents as Lael shouted at her to 'fuck off' and to 'put it down.' Of course, she paid no mind as she pulled out a map, the one Zorom gave towards the beginning of the mission.
"I don't understand why Zorom would have any of these papers in his possession. He hardly has access to his own army and people. I assume this is what you've been using to guide you this whole time?"

Lael stumbled over their words and feet as they snatched the pages back from the beast's hands, shoving them back in the bag. "Yes, stop touching my shit."

"Or what?" A sharp silence jabbed at the room that was broken ever so slightly by Lael's stunned mumbled. "I'll.. I'll fucking.. I'll."
Mako's gentle yet mischievous chuckle filled the room as Lael felt her hand grab their neck, feeling their face fucking heat up for some unknown reason. "You can't do anything to me, brat."

She was right, for the first time Lael actually agreed with Mako on something, even though they didn't want to. Then a memory from the other night hit them, Mist.
"Ok Ms. Horny, I know you like grabbing me and shit but do you know about some fucker named Mist?"
Mako nodded and left it there.

"That.. thing has been roaming this castle for ages, as long as I can remember. The only reason they're here is to piss people off or toy with them. They don't matter much to me, they only show up once every blue moon.. so I'd say you got lucky to even speak to them."
"Are they anyone important," Lael asked. "No, just a sneaking little bastard. Just like you"

Lael felt the grip on their neck get tighter as their body, along with Mako, fell backwards onto the bed behind them. They looked up at Mako, who for some reason in their scattered mind processed as hot. Which isn't an incorrect statement, just one they don't need right now.
"You seemed to enjoy pinning me down."
"Seems easier than just fucking your brains out."
"Hold— hold on a second there!"

Lael stumbled over their words at the remark, their face flushing red.
"Are you serious? Is that all it takes?" Mako leaned forward and began whispering.. things into Lael's ear, leading a whirlpool of thoughts to clog their mind.

"Holy shit." Was all they could mumble out as a response to the shit spewing out of Mako's mouth.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Mako was sat across from Lael, who's arms were tied behind their back, they grumbled while fiddling with the rope so they could try and break free. Mako's light laughter appeared as she watched them struggle, nothing but pure bliss written on her face, Lael watched Mako lean closer and pull out a dagger.

"Once I break you free from this, you don't go anywhere. Is that understood, brat?"
"Who are you, my mom?" Their final word was cut off as they got pulled close to Mako as they felt the ropes get cut; painfully slow to piss Lael off. They grumbled and groaned, asking Mako to hurry up with a sense of urgency.
"Patient now, you don't wanna get brought to those shoruu again now, do you?" Lael sighed a breathy 'no' as Mako sped up with cutting the rope. Finally, their hands were free. Lael was ready to make a run for it but Mako seemed to read their mind as she grabbed and held Lael by their arm.
"Don't even try it."
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"I know a lovely color of blades that would absolutely suit your neck."
"If that's the only way you like thinking of it, the maybe I should include that."

Lael was out of responses, images floating into their mind that made them whine in shame. Only two seconds after realizing the sound they made, before they could say they didn't mean it; Mako's roaring laughter hit their ears.
"Geez, and you say I'm the kinky one."
"I am not! I don't even want that!"
"Clearly you want it if thinking about made you make such a pathetic fucking whine."
It was rare to hear her swear, their mind whirling around as they tried to regain focus.

"If you let me get a cut, I'll give you a 24-hour head start to keep looking for it."
"Are you teasing or being serious?"
"Depends on how you take the information."
  This was a huge opportunity for Lael, they nodded and immediately after let out a small gasp as they felt cold steel drag along their arm.

"That shit is COLD!"
"Prefer it hot?"
"NOPE! No, no its fine.. I think."
The dagger went down and landed on their thigh, a slice being taken as Lael held back their scream, which didn't work because a whimper was let out.
"You.. You damn bastard."

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Lael kept running through the bushes and found the spot they were last planted, 12 hours had passed already thanks to a certain someone holding them hostage. They began searching again for the mark they'd left behind, on a rock in a puddle.

They found it alongside a note.

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