Finally (ch19)

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!swearing, suggestive!

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Lael jumped down.

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Since Lael was alone, they finally managed to check what was inside the drawer they had ripped out from its cabinet. Letters, documents, and a drawing. The drawing was of a princess covered in blue jewels, dress royally purple and flowing.
None of that was of concern however, they quickly scanned through the letters to search for any key words.

Find Glory, run away.

Whatever that meant Lael would follow it closely and ran down the hall.

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A familiar pair of footsteps stepped behind the drawer, long after Lael ran off, and carefully read through the papers.

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"Come on legs, don't fail me now. Please don't tell me I'm sore." Was all could be mumbled from Lael's work out vocal cords and throat. They ran through the halls of the place, jumping across a ditch and narrowly avoiding spikes that were on the roof. Nothing was stopping them from getting this stupid fucking Glory. Not Mako, not the queen, not Zorom.

Absolutely. No one.

This determination drove Lael until they fell into a room, slamming the hatch shut. There was a chest in the center of the room, resting upon a couch and sat next to it were a few books. Lael took the time to dive onto it and began skimming through the books like a procrastinator. They slammed each book shut after they provided no use to them.
Lael slowly reached for the note, the wave of fatigue and sleepiness finally catching up to them.

Guess sleeping for two hours isn't a good strategy.

Glory.. a sheet of paper that read what it was, scribbles of "what does it mean?" Along the back and sides. Laid in a box was a blue gem, glowing gently as Lael placed their hands on it; waves of shock beginning to pulse through their veins. Lael stumbled backwards as the shock was so intense. They came forward again and picked the gem up.. it glowed brighter as Lael stared into it and saw, not their reflection, but that damned princess' reflection; Mako was the only thing seen in the reflection. Lael nearly screamed as they placed the gem back in the chest and held their hands next to it. 'Why her?' Lael thought quietly, hearing a shout go out from behind; they braced for the impact of Mako tackling them down. To their surprise, they felt a hand grab them by their shirt, rapidly turning them around. To nobody's surprise, Mako was stood there.

"I swear you're obsessed with me with the amount of times you've chased after me." A pair of heated lips pressed against Lael's as they groaned in shock. They felt their hands move without their permission as they landed on Mako's shoulders, hers being placed firmly on their face; Lael feeling them lower and grab gently onto their neck.

Mako pulled away from the kiss and the grip around Lael's neck tightened ever so slightly yet over so noticeably. Lael panted, feeling the amount of heat in their face grow hotter from just looking up at Mako.
"I couldn't give a fuck about glory anymore, I want you."

Lael stood in shock as they felt themself lean forward to kiss Mako again, the fucker listening and kissing Lael again, this time with more passion. Mako grip on Lael's neck was tight and the kiss felt like fire on a candle wick
"Fuck," was the only word they could mumble out as Mako grabbed them by their hair to tilt their head up. A light chuckle accompanied Mako's shit-eating grin.
"If I'd known this was all it took to get you on your knees and surrender I would've done it sooner. It's so much easier."
"Mako please don't stop like that."
"As you wish.. brat."

Mako's hands fell down to Lael's waist as they felt her lips crash against their own, her tongue taking control of everything inside. Lael couldn't speak at all with the amount of pleasure, this was what they'd been craving this whole time with her. Finally they understood what all the blushing, all the confusion, all of it finally made sense to them. The arousing feeling got stronger as hands reached down to a partially unexplored area. All sounds that escaped Lael were nothing coherent to for sentences, but enough for Mako to know that she was doing well.

Hands wandered further as Lael's breathing hitched, finally..

This was the glory they wanted.

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"So, have we agreed that we'll just grab glory together and get the fuck out of here?"
"Definitely, I'm so tired."

The gem was held in the palm of Mako's hand as she held Lael closely.
"Guess I win."
"Yea whatever."
Lael fell asleep in her arms as she followed.

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Now this. This was a good ending. This was what Lael wanted, they understood that now.

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