Mist Fox (ch10)

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  Ive gotten too used to traveling with Meows, being alone feels wrong now. I don't miss her. I never will, yet being alone without her feels more like a crime than stealing..
This doesn't mean I'm in love, it doesn't mean I miss her, it never will. I don't want her, I don't need her I don't.. I..

Lael rested their face in their hands, groaning silently as they heard Mako searching around for them from behind. It was so hard to figure out if they were feeling what they thought they were or if it was just side effects from constantly breathing in shoruus. They went around the bush while staying hidden. Lael managed to crawl over to the next tree and stood up slowly, seeing the campsite. They've made it back to the start, there is no escape. 
  "Where are you brat? I'm getting real sick and tired of this," Mako stated angrily. There was high tension and no visible escapes. If Lael wanted to escape they had to go through the campsite.. it was out in the open.

  They walked as quiet as the could over the dead grass, walking around the bear-traps. Looking over, there was one that had been shut closed with a creature's leg trapped inside. It was disturbing and dirty but it wasn't the worst thing Lael has seen during this whole chase. One foot after the other and they had made it to the entrance of the cave where most traps lay idle. She stepped over them and hid in the darkness, the smell of rotting flesh had gotten stronger.. it was sickening. Mako walked past the entrance of the cave, doubling back and standing in front of it.
  A sharp object appeared in her hand; a knife.
  "I know what you want, thief.. you want Glory! Yet you always come back to me."
Mako's words dragged out into a low growl as her body took form into a beast. They watched quietly from this rocky corner as the once-neat princess came into the cave, nothing but rage blaring in her eyes. Then a small high pitched whistle went off and she came out of the cave, transforming back quickly. Lael came closer to the entrance, looking to see what happened; planning a way out as well.
"You're time is up princess, it's been 8 months."
"Listen, I know where they are please just give me more time,"
   There was a frantic pattern in Mako's voice. This was someone who she fears.. but who could it be?
Lael carefully looked and saw a tall queen, Maria of Noano.

   "I've given you more than enough time Mako, you need to give up. You'll never find the thief. She hides well and it's obvious you aren't ready for that!"
  "You said you'd give me a year! I have them here, I know where they are hiding please just a bit longer."
The queen laughed at her, Mako had an all-too-familiar glare in her eyes. One moment she was laughing the next moment she's been knocked down onto the floor.
"We made a deal Maria. You haven't exactly been holding up your part of the bargain either."
   Mako crouched down in front of the queen, a dead expression that could decay anyone left on her face. "Tell you what," she snarled. "You give me more time, I bring you the thief. Doesn't that sound nice?"

  Lael held their breath as they saw Mako come towards the cave.
"You've only been after her for 5 years, yet the moment I come close to grabbing her you take that away from me?"
  "I'm only trying to protect you Mako, this is no way to speak to your superior!"
Mako scoffed at the tall maiden stood behind her; Lael backed up further to avoid being seen.

   "Just give me the last bit of my time and I'll never bother again! Deal?"
Mako held out her hand as Maria stepped forward and shook it; the scent of lavender drifting off of her. After Mako and Maria were out of sight, Lael headed towards the entrance. There was an opening that they could sneak through and run away again. Just like the first time.. then a familiar voice lit up behind them.

"Miss me?"


I woke up in the woods; I knew I wasn't dreaming because I pinched myself. There was no sign of Mako— I mean Meows—anywhere. What the hell happened while I was knocked out? I sat in silence as I kinda looked around. I didn't see her anywhere nor did I see Queen Maria.
I stood as quietly as I could and began walking deeper into the woods. As I turned to look behind me I saw a fox.. a mist fox. These fuckers make you follow them into danger and I know this little guy is gonna lead me straight to Meows. I closed my eyes and looked away, pretty much begging that it'd be gone when I looked back; and?

God dammit it's still there.
"What do you want?" I whispered quite loudly. It didn't say anything as it just began walking towards the bushes. Of course I got curious and peeked through where it was going to. Mako was laying on the floor with blood streaming down her face and oh holy shit there was a knife in her side. I came to her and turned her head to look at me.
"Oi! Shithead! Look at me, open your fucking eyes. OPEN YOUR EYES!"
   Mako groaned and her eyes, thank Ayer, opened. She grabbed my shoulders to balance herself out or something. I was glad, I think, that she was ok. However
Wait.. mist fox, Meows, danger. This was definitely a trap.
"You're so easy to fool."

   Lael looked back at Mako as she ripped the knife from her side, stabbing them in the leg as they screamed out in pain. Whatever sick trap this was, it was going to kill them both unless they got help from someone. Lael pulled themself away from the princess they once considered rival, since then has been enhanced to a threat. They looked around and used their healthy leg to kick Mako in the side she had stabbed. Sick fuck didn't even react but instead crawled closer to Lael. Mako grabbed the knife and held Lael in place.

 Lael breathed heavily as they watched Mako bring the knife down towards them at a rapid pace

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Lael breathed heavily as they watched Mako bring the knife down towards them at a rapid pace. This was the end.


  I woke up in the woods.

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