Thanks For The Heart-Attack (ch16)

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They found it alongside a note.

The note described the last place Glory has been found, how it was worthless and should've been left to rot where it stood, how it was hell trying to find it.
Lael scoffed and started heading towards the location immediately, leaving markings in trees to find their way back so they could brag about finding it to Mako. They began picking up their pace and started running towards it, the feeling of wind blowing on their face was so freeing; their feet carried them farther than they could even process in their own mind. 'Please let me find it first. I'm sick of her.'

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

After 3 hours, Lael was now had 9 hours before Mako started catching up. The 10 minute breaks lost them some time as they grabbed at sign pole of a village, where glory was supposed to be.

Asking around the village led to a small shack; the contents inside being another map, a journal, and some pictures.
The pictures supposedly had Glory in them but it was all blurred and wet. Lael searched around a bit before looking at the map and seeing what it said.. then a call let out. The village shrieked their polite greetings toward someone of royalty, Mako was here. There was no way, they couldn't believe that their time was up already, but the clock on the desk suggested time had indeed run out. There was no way to stop her now, she was here and wants to have Lael for herself; however way she wants it because Lael could never tell fully. Mako's voiced made itself heard as Lael hid under the desk and behind boxes. Grabbing at the map before ducking under.
"Where are you brat? I know you're hiding here."

Lael's tried to control their breathing but something about the way Mako said stuff was different, she sounded impatient, yet calm. The princess entered the shack and scanned it before leaving, Lael surprised she didn't check any further. Suddenly, she entered the room again and before Lael could gasp; the beast form entered the room. The chair got ripped apart in front of them as they scooted further into their hiding spot. A low growl grew closer to Lael as the nose of Mako's snout became visible and her front hands came forward along with it. Their breathing got faster as the foul beast began turning her dead towards them; the desk clattering from the bump of Mako's back. She swiftly morphed back into a human as her hands flew and surrounded Lael, pinning them to the floor. A booming laughter escaped as Mist made their presence known, Mako's form eradicating into the shadow figure that lived. It vanished after moments of silence and Lael blinked.

"Oh you fucking ASSHOLE. Thanks for the free heart attack."
Lael stood and just walked out, silently placing the items in their bag, and began walking out of the village.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

It's been 4 days.

The map stated that Glory would be found in Queen Maria's kingdom, there was a ball tonight though; which, in Lael's case, would mean that a bunch of royals would be there. Not ideal for trying to sneak-in and sneak-out plan, so they would have to blend in. There were five hours before the ball, Lael was outside the palace gates, scaling to find a way in.

Two hours before the ball, Lael didn't bother asking what was being celebrated. From the looks of it, Maria had conquered another piece of land and so, all these royal fucks are celebrating it. Lael crashed in through a vacant window that was in one of the main halls; a bad spot to be in for a stealth mission. Guards voices made themselves loud and clear as lael booked it and dove behind a pillar, waiting quietly.
The guards continued on and walked pass them, a small smirk appearing on Lael's face as they ran for the royal study. Unfortunately for Lael, to get to that room they had to walk through the ball room; fortunately for them, they managed to scower the market for a suit. Meaning, they could walk through and blend in. As the sound of music grew louder, Lael knew where they were.

Snobby rich royals danced while other stuck in groups and laughed together. Lael walking pass them with more poise and straighter posture, people greeting them with a simple wave or a glance; everything was going according to plan. Is what Lael would've thought if a certain pair of eyes didn't meet theirs. They breathed faster and began speed-walking to get away, but soon after, a pair of hands gripped around Lael.

"Did you miss me?"

"Did you miss me?"

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"No, not really. What do you want kitty?"
"That's a new one."
"Thought you'd notice it better."

Mako chuckled lightly as her hand on Lael's shoulder wandered down and rested on their waist. She began pulling them closer.
"We're at a ball, y'know. We should go dance with everyone else. I know how badly you want to avoid suspicion."
Lael couldn't bring themself to even speak, letting a whine as Mako, of course, pointed out with great amusement. Something about they way Mako was presenting herself told Lael that she was partially drunk. Lael could use a drink after the amount of bullshit they had to go through. The two walked right back out into the ballroom, Mako taking the lead and dancing with Lael, whispering into their ear.

"You're so lucky I hate you."
"Why's that?"
"I would've fucked your pathetic brain out."
"Shit that's hot."
Lael realized what they said, denying they said it as Mako laughed at them.

"You're so pathetic." Lael got dipped by Mako, people talking around them, music playing, lights shining bright, Mako's face leaning close to Lael.
"That's probably why I like you."

Lael's faced flushed red as they got pulled into a kiss by Mako, making a small groan into it as it felt harsh and heated.

"Wanna get out of here?"

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