The Smell Of A Shoruu (ch7)

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!swearing, (inexplicit) smut!


"Wake up. Look where you are Lael! You did it! You found me," Glory spoke distantly. Her voice was enchanting and had a sense of calmness to it. Lael looked around and saw it, saw her. This is Glory? They walked towards her, looking confused yet dazed and enchanted by her appearance. They reached their hand out and—

I woke up in a cold sweat, looking around and saw that the sun was just now rising up. Is that really what Glory is? I was dizzy, waking up so suddenly with these stupid fucking handcuffs still attached is brutally uncomfortable. I keep telling Meow Meow to take it off when I sleep but she doesn't trust me without them. Yes, I respond with kinky. I watched the sunrise through the window as the sky was painted in the light reds and yellows. It was then I realized that Meows was still asleep, this was my chance to escape!
I looked around for something to break the cuffs with, I ended up just using the little ballerina statue on Ma- Meow's night table. Sorry little guy, I got Glory to find. Once the cuffs were off I went towards the window as quiet as I could and opened it slowly. This room was much higher than it looked on the outside.

"Well shit," Lael swore silently. This was a hard situation to get out of as she was still in Mako's kingdom, a heavily guarded place now that they were finally captured. This was a pain in the neck. They looked back at her, thinking about how they could get closer to Glory from here.

"Your enemy will be the key to the path of Glory."

Lael was outside in the garden, they managed to sneak pass the guards by playing it off as an order from Mako to be out here. The sun was barely up as they heard someone approaching. All instincts peaked as they suddenly fell into the bushes. Heavily breathing as they watched a figure walk through the garden, 4 glowing eyes pinpointing where Lael was hidden as a hand grabbed them by their hair. The figure became all too familiar as her face was shown; Mako.

"The hell are you doing out here?"
"Running away from you, asshole!"
Mako sighed as they pulled Lael out the bushes and mumbled quietly to herself. Lael threw herself at Mako, making them tumble into the bushes again.. there were large flowers that surrounded them as they began hitting and punching her. The smell of rose and vanilla filled their noses as Mako rolled Lael onto their back, pinning them down and hitting them back and kicking. Blood ran down both of their noses as they paused for a moment..

"I fucking hate you."
"I hate you too," she groaned out. Mako fell to the side as she was pushed by the one below her. Lael looked around for a moment and realized that they were surrounded by the shoruu plants. This was the last thing they wanted as they looked down at Mako with a new sensation filling their body to the brim, so much they could throw-up in the sheer shock of it. Mako seemed to receive the same thing as they held a hand towards their mouth, covering it. This wasn't good.
First the cave, the inn, the breaks and now this? What kind of luck do these two even have?!
"What the fuck did you do?"

The two backed away from each other as the other had to hold themself back. This was not supposed to happen, this was the LAST thing they wanted to happen.


"Mako.. I fucking hate how pretty you look." They we're laying by each other, kissing each other.
"Do you still hate me now, brat?"
The tension was thick as they restrained themselves from going further. Mako was enchanted by Lael, grabbing onto and groaning into the kisses. The feeling was intoxicating. At this point the sun had been in the sky for a while, gardeners would be coming to this place and these two fuckers were still here. This didn't stop them, however.
Lael was grabbing at Mako's shirt, begging for it to come off. She declined as the two raced back to the princess's room, needing the privacy now.

!final smut warning, although in-explicit!

"Lael," the silent noise escaped from the princess. There was no environment around, no noise other than the ones coming from the lady beneath her. The world had faded into the background as Mako became overwhelmed by a sensation, leading to Lael being the brat of a person they are.

"Well, would you look at that? The princess has finally fallen to her knees before me, I knew I'd win." Mako grabbed Lael and forged a noise out of them, laying small kisses onto them.
"Hush it brat, I don't wanna go to extremes with you."
A light chuckle emerged from Lael as they looked back at her.
"Sounds risky m'bitch." The one who spoke let out a groan as they felt a surge in adrenaline and other things.


I woke up in Meow's bed, wondering what happened. It all hit me instantly as I rushed to put my clothes back on. There is no way in hell that me and her f-
"You fucking bastard!"
As I whipped my head around, princess bottom grabbed me and looked pissed the fuck off. Guess she realized what happened too and neither of us were happy about it. This was gonna get awkward real fast.
Listen if she didn't want me dead then, she definitely wants me dead now! What happened next was not at all what I was expecting.

"So you were right about those shoruus, huh? Oh.. shit just got so much more fun for you, didn't it!"

Lael was thrown to the floor as the cuffs were placed back on. They took this moment to look around the room and then back towards the bed.. we found the crime scene and they couldn't bear to think of what might've happened while under that stupid spell. Yet their mind wandered to it as the memories started flooding back into their head. The two were sat on the bed, remembering the incident from earlier that day.. night? Mako seemed to have no reaction while Lael was embarrassed that any of it had happened.
This truly was the worst thing to happen.

"Do you still hate me now, brat?"

Those words echoed throughout the rest of Lael's day, engulfing all their more 'important' thoughts.

This chapter was definitely hard to write, sorry it's so short i tried to make it longer =7= thanks for reading this far! ch8 will come out sometime soon -A

A Lovely Tale?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें