Torture (ch9)

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!swearing, slight (inexplicit) smut, torture!
(Short chapter, sorry!! -A)

  The smell of shoruu was an endless stream, causing endless nights and mornings where the two would hate each other in other ways. The only time the horrid smell would subside was when it rained; those times were spent with Mako teasing and torturing Lael with her words and physical contact.
This was hell on earth of they'd ever seen it.
As the rain came to a stop and the sun rose, they were laying in the bed at the corner of the cell; tired and beaten from two days worth of torture. They felt a throbbing pain in their head and some other places. They watched Mako across the room fidget with the chains that sat rusting in the corner, intent was clear in her eyes as she looked back at Lael.

The two were tired and drained from sleepless nights for the past week. They'd napped earlier but it was only until the bell tower sang it's harsh yet sweet sound. Footsteps approached the one laying down as chains were dragged across the room and placed onto their hands. They looked up quietly at the her, flipping her off as she laughed quietly. Mako sat them up as the dreaded smell of the plants outside flooded in slowly, drowning the two in this endless cycle of both anger and heartfelt lust. It was a pain to deal with yet Mako seemed to resist the smell this time, pulling Lael by the chains and whipping their back with the other side of it. They cried out in pain as the rusted metal hit their skin repeatedly.
"Any closer to Glory yet brat?"
"Stop please! Fuck!"
  The chains clattered to the floor as Mako grabbed Lael by the wrists, turning them to face her. The sharp pain the radiated in their back was ringing throughout their bones, making them physically fall over onto Mako as she pulled them back up.

  The days and nights continued on in endless cycles of torture. Both with shoruus and with Mako, there was no escape.. until one day.
Lael had woken up outside on the ground with Mako holding them by a chain, a thin and light one. The cuffs were back on their wrists like when they were a servant. This was their chance and they took it, snapping the chain with force and running, running so far into the garden.The plants that were once gorgeous were now seen as blurs of obstacles that caused nothing but pain. This is all Glory's fault. Whatever it is, it's not worth all the trouble if Mako was the curse that came with it. This was hell, hell is hot and so is M-

  Lael turned for a moment and saw a huge beast charging at them, the princess had transformed and was now chasing them at full speed with clear intent. They shouted and ran as far as their sore legs could take them, falling down the stairs but not stopping until they made it to the locked gate of the garden. There was no escape as Mako pounces and pinned them down, growling and snarling at their face as the two panted in exhaustion.
"Stop running from me."
"I don't want you."
"You know that's a lie, you brat."
I panted and rushed to climb the wall but I quickly fell when Meow Meow grabbed me, throwing me back down onto the ground. The pain from the chains earlier left my back sore so to be thrown onto the ground with my back was an absolute pain. I felt so many emotions; rage, disgust, pain, sadness.. yet one stood out. The rush of being thrown around. My heart was pounding and my head was racing around the thought of the chase. That's why I never stopped! The chase; I loved the feeling of being on the run. No matter how fucked up it was, I loved it.

"You gonna be good now?"
"Fuck you," Lael spat out. Their face painted red with rage.
  Mako dragged the thief away from the gate but was kicked away as they ran and climbed the wall, reaching the top and forcing themself over. As they began running, the princess was right on their tail.
There really was no escape from this eternal punishment.


Mako was knocked out on the ground of Lael's feet, their fists raised as they painted with blood streaming down their nose. There was no time to lose so they dragged her body to a cave.. the flashbacks of being stuck in one came back as they groaned. There was no time to dwell on the past, but they saw something in the corner of their eye. There was writing on the walls.

Glory is meaningless.

  What the hell? No it wasn't! Glory was important, why else would there be so many people after it? I mean the queen of Noano wants it.. and she has everything.

"You.. bastard. You ruined everything," the groans of pain left their rival's mouth as she stood. "I could've won, yet you persisted."

  "See ya Meows, I've got Glory to find. I won't let you get in the way of that."

  The cave was now empty with only one person inside.

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