Tired (ch11)

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  I know it wasn't real. However I do have one question;

  Why did I go to aide her? She's been nothing but a pain in the ass to me since we've met and yet I came to her side to help. What is wrong with me? I know she hates me, I hate her.  So if that's the case, why did I stop to help her? Why did I feel tears stabbing at my eyes? Did I not want the chase to end? Maybe.. maybe I am in love? This isn't right. I have a life outside of Meows and her stupid palace. I have a goal and things I want to do. Why the hell would I waste my life with someone who hurts me?
  This hurts; the constant buzz and confusion in my brain. There is no end in this hell hole that I've fallen into thanks to Glory. Is that what the sign in the cave meant? Is that what this all leads to? Nothing? Am I wasting my time chasing something I don't even need? Why did I leave home anyway, I was safe and didn't have to leave.. yet I did.

Mom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left you alone with no explanation.

  Wait.. what am I saying? I'm supposed to be looking for Glory. Why have I started thinking of the past? I hate this. I hate this so much.
Lael stood and carried themself to a chest that they had dug up a couple minutes ago. It sat idly, waiting to be opened.
All of a sudden, a familiar stench aroused into Lael's nose; the smell of rotting. They carefully opened the chest and looked down on what was inside. A dead fox. Bloodied and bruised with cuts as decorations and patterns along its body. The thief sighed disheartened and pushed the chest away, watching it tilt onto its side with the deceased animal rolling out. They watched as after a few minutes ants came marching towards its empty body and began feasting. However, something strange happened.. the fox's eyes flashed open as it immediately ran into the bushes and was never seen again. It was dead. Dead yet moving as if it were young and alive again. The smell of rotting seemed to follow its prancing corpse as the air became scent-less.
  Lael didn't move, staying still as they stared vacantly into their own mind. It was like fish in a bowl, crowded with no breathing room, constantly clashing together. They felt their heart beat faster as their breathing picked up hastily. Sick, they felt sick. The ground seemed to shake as their eyes filled with tears and they began sobbing, this wasn't a good time to be crying either. Ayer help whoever finds the wanted thief crying a river out.
   I need a break. An earned and long break.



  I don't recall how long I was asleep

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  I don't recall how long I was asleep. The smell of fresh dew of early morning gave me my set time though. I've learned enough to not stay in one place for too long and yet no traps could be seen, even after the several checks around my area. All I found was a sheet of paper with a drawing on it. It was a detailed depiction of something, I couldn't tell what it was due to the other worldly language written on the top.
It was a green and blue crystal that had a gold key hanging off of it. The drawing was placed in the notebook in my bag. It was probably important and it looked cool so I kept it, someone else would leave it or smash it up. I began walking off into the woods, tracing my steps. I don't know what I want anymore.
My gut tells me to find Glory.. but my mind is telling me to go back home. Be with my mom again. There's a strange neuron who's chanting the princess's name Over and over; I don't want to see that asshole.
  She hurt me and I hurt her. I'd rather go to hell than spend another night with her. Especially if there's certain flowers involved. It's disgusting. I hate it. Yet she looked beautiful in that way, I don't understand why.

Goddamn asshole.


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