New Palace (ch6)

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!swearing, suggestive!

I woke up in a sleeping bag next to Mako, we'd been traveling for at least a day and we're taking a break currently. My mind is still running around that kiss, why the hell did it happen? She could've folded me like a piece of paper at any point during that.. yet she fucking kisses me. It didn't feel good.. but it didn't feel bad? No. I don't have feelings, not for her. Nobody likes her, no one should. She's an asshole, stuck-up, pretty.. pretty fucking annoying haha.
We can't like each other, I hate her too much and can hardly put up with her sometimes. What's wrong with me? Am I brain damaged from falling? What the hell. Was I going insane—


Lael's train of thought was cut off by the low growl of Mako; she'd transformed in her sleep again. They groaned quietly, trying to sort themselves out and get it together before they continued their journey to the kingdom. They could just run away but they didn't want to be chased forever. It's been a good life.. rather die now then live life on the run forever. Lael got up and walked outside the tent, sitting down by a pond and watching the fish swim around. The night pixies were humming with the crickets as they lit flowers up. It was calming and let Lael think clearly.


"Keep moving, we're almost there."
Lael and Mako had been walking for at least 4 hours straight, headed towards the kingdom. It was in the distance so they were going to make it in time before they began searching around even more for Mako. She had said before that she told her people if she didn't return to wait a week in case they arrived home before that. The sun wasn't hot and the breeze was cool, it's be a good day to go swimming or something; but nope! Spending that time as a prisoner to your rival isn't exactly the way Lael wanted this to go. Still.. it was fun in a strange way.

"I'll be keeping you by my side for now until we find a dungeon room for you. You'll be my servant in a sense." Mako spoke to Lael as they entered the kingdom, walking towards the palace as she waved to civilians.
Lael was hiding in their hair wanting to avoid any and all social interaction with people who hated their guts. Once they entered the palace they walked straight towards a room. Mako's room.

"Don't get comfortable, you'll be my servant for at least a week and then will be thrown away to the dungeon."
"Thank Ayer, I can't wait to get away from you."
"Tch, sure you cant you brat." The two were sat in the room, Lael had been put into these cuffs with a thin rope attached so they would be dragged around by Mako. It wasn't the worst thing but it wasn't good either. There was no running away until nightfall when she would sleep. Even then she would've been tied to some sort of pole so they couldn't leave. It was annoying.

"Meows, we're not doing anything. Can you please take the cuffs off of me."
She thought for a moment and then tugged Lael closer, making them stumble.
"I don't think so. You being vulnerable it probably the greatest thing I've seen in a while."
"I didn't know you grew that fond of me."
"Ew not like that you weirdo." Lael chuckled as they then got suddenly pulled right in front of Mako, being grabbed by the throat.

"You really piss me off, brat."
"If I piss you off that much then why not kill me?"
"It's entertaining to see you like this, your face gets all red.. amusing"
Now that they thought about it, whenever they got too close to Mako, they'd feel their face burn up a bit.. was it really that bad?
The smirk on Mako's face was one Lael would never forget. Lael didn't know what to say, a first for them seeing as how they always had something to reply with. Their heart was pounding.. were they afraid? There was a small giggle that the princess let out, leaning in slightly closer to Lael's face.
"I can see how much you want me, you little shit."

That was all it took for Lael to just malfunction and just burn up. This wasn't fear. Was Mako toying with them? What the hell is happening? Why are we blushing? We hate her.. right? I mean, she isn't as bad as we thought but she's annoying and stupid and kissing me. Holy shit she's kissing us again.
This one was a long one, like the one in the forest. Lael's world seemed to fade away into the background, this was what was happening and there was no escape from it.

Why was it not feeling bad? Why wasn't I feeling pissed off? I swear she's put a spell on me. These feelings that have been happening and the way I get heated up. Am I in love? No. Yes? No! Stop please, I can't handle you, not like this. Lael pulled away, panting a bit.
"What the fuck.. what are you doing to me?"
Mako still had that stupid smirk, making Lael question it more. The intention behind it were so unclear, it was so sudden, toying with their feelings. Was this to get them vulnerable?
"Nice.. nice try! Ha! You won't weaken me, you bitch," they scoffed. Mako giggled lightly.
"You were weak the moment you looked at me."


I've been here as Mako's 'servant' for about 2 days. It isn't as bad as I thought it'd be, then again my expectations were very low anyways. She's actually a decent ruler and takes time to care for her people. I was told princesses were stuck up so I guess I assumed that about her. Also, she's gifted the new nickname of "little slave," which is as flattering as it sounds.
It's better than brat I guess.. actually scratch that I prefer brat over it.

"Good evening little slave. Hope your legs are ready for the walking we'll be doing today." As much as I hate spending time around her, the walks we go on are probably the best things to happen; along with the food of course. I did not know that close servants eat gourmet fucking dishes. I've managed to give some to the kids that would pass by the palace. The children are the only good things around town, they don't care about class or what role you serve and I find that very nice. They don't call me "wastes of space" or anything so.. 9/10 from me. Only downfall is that they don't shut the fuck up.
Anyways, Mako was taking me to stroll through the castle garden today. There was a sign there that called it the Mystical Fields, I doubt that's true.

Lael was very wrong upon walking into the gardens. There were glowing vines covering the stone walls, and a broad range of flowers and plants that formed into majestic ways. It was enchanting to look at. Mako seemed to calm down as they walked around, like this was a sanctuary of sorts. She was walking them around the place, stopping by some places that were breathtaking sights. There was one plant that Lael recognized: the shoruu. A plant that once the scent was inhaled, the ones smelling it would be out under a temporary spell that would cause them to pretty much lust after each other. Lael watched two foxes sniff it and leave off into a den. They knew what would happen if two people inhaled its enchanting scent, and they didn't want it to be themself and Mako; not in a million fucking years.

"That shoruu is a strange plant, I don't know what it does."
"It's an enchanting plant. Once you smell it you lust after the other who smells it with you, I've seen it happen."
Mako chuckled, watching its peddles fold in as the sunset faded its colors. They went back inside.


"Being a servant isn't as bad as I originally thought. I still hate you though."
"Damn, got my hopes up for nothing! Guess I'll have to try harder," Mako answered sarcastically. The two were getting ready to sleep and had been going back and forth with hatred to the other. There was nothing but rage, burning and passionate rage. Mako laid down as Lael sat in their chair, saying how stupid the princess life was. She laughed lightly looking at Lael with that smirk.

"Good night brat."
"Whatever shitstain."

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