Caved With a Rival (ch4)

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!swearing, blood!


  It's been a week or so, we've been trapped here for so long. Mako managed to contact her guards and they're looking for a way out from outside. Which thank God for. I cant stand being around this asshole any longer. She's always whining and groaning about stuff, things getting in her hair.. fighting the wall.
It's annoying as hell, I'm glad we're finally getting out sometime soon. I've already made an escape plan for when we get out. Just trick them into coming into the cave and then I can ru-

"Brat! Keep your legs moving, we don't have all day."
Another thing I hate, that stupid nickname. She uses it all the time and it's honestly kinda at annoying. Nonstop she uses that name.

Mako grabbed Lael's arm, holding them hostage. "Something's down by that light, do you see it?"
"Nothing is there, holy shit what the fuck is that."
  There was a weird figure at the end of the cave, it seemed to be alive. The damn thing was moving to the point it looked like it was dancing. They slowly approached, only to find a cart from an abandoned coal mine holding a piece of cloth by a fire. The two sighed in relief, pushing the other away after the realization.
Back in the pond cave, the two were washing up; taking turns as they have been for the past week. Mako would be punching the wall right now but she was silent, falling asleep. Strange.


Lael was the first to wake up.. or so they thought until they looked over and saw Mako drinking water, obviously awake first. It was still early to the point it was still dark, the crystals around us glowing a bit. They illuminated Mako's face in a way that interested Lael for some reason.. it could've been the shadows but we'll never know. They stared for a while until they stood up, walking to the entrance of the cavern.. there were these weird figures and they clearly weren't Suntan and his crew. They seemed violent, shouting and holding swords.
"Meow meow we have to hide.."
"There's something out there, they aren't friendly," Lael looked at Mako.
"Where the hell are we gonna hide?!"
  Good question. Mako grabbed Lael's arm, sneaking into a small indent that she found earlier in the wall. It was something that was used as some sort of storage area for the two of them. It was barely enough for the two, they had to squish uncomfortably close together. Mako having to hunch over due to her height, groaning quietly in pain. Lael squished themselves closer, Mako holding onto them to keep her safe. It was such a tight space and they had no other option..

The group of people entered, they weren't from any kingdom but resembled those from ones of Pemio.. but they existed 8,500 years ago! Why are they here? How are they still alive? They were dressed as they were then. This group seemed trapped in time in a way.
They examined the cavern, passing by the indent that the duo was trapped inside.. Lael was about to speak but Mako placed a hand over their mouth, the motion shushing her. Mako backed the both of them further into the indent. Avoiding any hands that pressed near it. All Lael could feel was Mako's body pressed against theirs, breaths slow and steady..

They watched the group of Pemions leave, waiting until the sounds faded away fully before stepping out. Lael came out and stepped towards the entrance, glancing quickly to check if any were still there. Nothing, so they sighed in relief. Mako came out the indent, stretching her back.
"Fuck, that spot was smaller than I thought!"
"That sounds like 6'1 person problem."
"Oh haha, very funny."
   Mako dusted herself off, going over to the pond. Lael glanced over quickly before walking to the pond as well. The two sat in silence, Lael would repeatedly glance over at Mako..

  "What the hell are you staring at brat?"
"Your dumbass?"
  "Oh haha.."
They mumbled quietly, which was overpowered by the sound of footsteps; heavy ones. The guards have come back, they're here to help.
The duo stood up quickly, grabbing all their stuff and running to the spot they said would break them out. The two waited patiently.. nothing happened. They waited more, still no response. Longer they stood there; yet nobody came.


They woke up in the arms of guards, Mako and Lael had apparently fallen asleep while waiting and were now being carried back to a vehicle. One of these weird floating machines that were often used to travel. Lael has seen royals use them before, it was weird to actually be riding one. They looked up at who was carrying them, seeing Mako was carrying them. They couldn't bring themselves to fight back due to how tired they felt.

  The ride was silent, crossing over landscapes with trees and such. There was only the silent buzz of the machines and the chatter of creatures in the woods. It was quiet, calming.. they could fall asleep right here. It was like nightfall back in Seegin..


It was nighttime and Lael couldn't sleep, she was a child. They went up to their mother, tugging at her sleeve. She would then carry the small child to a window, humming a soft lullaby while the sounds of the outdoors poured in. It was soothing, one of the few things that Lael missed from home..


That fantasy didn't last long as there was a loud crash and the machine tumbled forward, landing straight down and knocking everyone off. The screams of the guards were cut off by the loud ear-ringing noise, they'd fallen. The machine was traveling 20 feet in the air, the fact Lael managed to not die or get serious injuries was crazy.. it felt like the plot twist in a story, where everything goes wrong.

I looked to where the machine crashed, seeing the thing ruined and in pieces.. there was blood and people slouched over and by it. Was mako okay? Where were we? I managed to gather enough strength and crawl over to the wreck, I looked around for my bag, finding it quickly and standing up slowly. There was a sharp pain in my lower back, hurt like hell. I sucked in air through my teeth, "fuck." I kept walking.. I don't know what I was looking for, and I don't know why I called out to her.
"Meow meow?! Hello? Hey! You left me behind!!"
Mako came over, stumbling and limping. I began going over to her quickly, being held in her arms felt safe.. it resembled my mother. The only thing I don't mind about this asshole is her hugs, even if they're rare. Probably the only thing I tolerate.. but we began walking towards a path Meows spotted, it was to an inn.

  "Hello! Welcome to the Zenq Inn! How can I help you?"
"Do you have any 2-bedrooms available?"
"No, we just had it booked.. would you like a one bedroom instead?"
Mako groaned silently, nodding.

They arrived in the room, finally washing up fully with the soap there. Once that was finished they went down to eat..

"Are you gonna sleep on the floor?"
"Hell no! What gave you that idea?"
"Well I'm not gonna be sleeping with your ass."
  I should've expected it honestly. We were arguing wether or not we would sleep on the bed together or if one of us is falling asleep on the floor. It's dumb and a very first-world problem.

At that point we were too tired to decide on it longer and ended up falling asleep with a pillow between us, no way in hell I'm getting near her again.


Birds chirped outside, Lael slowly woke up. This time they woke up before Mako, for real this time. They looked over and we're greeted by a huge beast. She yelped and backed off the bed, falling off. They peeked over to see it sitting up..

  Was that Mako's beast form? Lael watched as it slowly morphed back into the Mako they knew, the human one

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  Was that Mako's beast form? Lael watched as it slowly morphed back into the Mako they knew, the human one. It was insane to see it for the first time. They've only ever heard of it but to see it was a whole new experience...

"G'morning brat..."

This chapter definitely took a while to write :] thank you for being patient with everything ❤️ -A

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