Chapter 2: Mysterious Sensation...

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Still within the day, Ashter sits within his homeroom class, and suddenly as Ashter brushes his hair away from his face, a sudden tap touches his shoulder, as the Werewolf turns to the side,

"Oh, hello-" Ashter says but with the sudden move of his head Ashter sees...

"Ivy...?" Ashter says as this was Ivy. Her hair was growing back but it was... Covering her left eye...

"Um... Hey Ashter... Um... I like your drawings..." Ivy says as her voice was very high pitched but has a very low tone within it.

"O-Oh! Ivy...!" Ashter says as the young girl sits next to the Werewolf as he was... Saddened again.

"Um... What happened after last year...?" Ashter says, surprising Ivy as she shivers a bit upon realizing Ashter is actually concerned for a former bully.

"I... I don't want to talk about it..." Ivy says as her hair falls from her fav, shielding her as she was secretly holding back her tears.

"Ivy... C'mon, I won't hold anything against you." Ashter says as Ivy looks at Ashter, a bit of water flowing from her face as Ashter eyes widened a bit, upon realizing Ivy... Was crying...? But then she turns away, saying,

"I don't want... To talk about it..." Ivy says as when Ashter was going to say something, the bell rings as many pass by Ashter, as he tries to pass his classmates,

"H-Hey! C'mon, I need to get to-!" Ashter says as when the crowd disappeared, Ivy did as well.

"Ivy..." Ashter says, very concerned about the poor girl as he had nothing else to say as the Werewolf grabs his belongings and heads to the announcement hall.

Upon arrival, however, many things seem different. Werewolves are all placed by the right side (upon walking in) and the Meifwa and Humans are placed on the left. Very different but Ashter couldn't help but sigh as he can't catch up to Ivy and Aphmau. But, as the Werewolf walks closer to the left side, Werewolves of all ages began to quiet down upon a sniff from their noses, many turn and were quiet, some are very scared and surprised, and some are confused but are either scared or quiet after many say "He's the Alpha!" In a whisper. Ashter sits down next to a set of Werewolves he doesn't know and the two next o him on their respective sides scoot away as if Ashter was infected with a virus. After this however a woman with amazing light blonde hair and amber eyes, much like Aphmau's, as many complement her beauty as she clears her throat, talking into the microphone,

"Hello, there everyone! It's so nice to meet you all here today in our new and improved announcement hall! Unlike the original principal, I have taken it to account to help improve the environment of your school from the inside out! Of course, my name is Mrs. Layla. Your new principal of Phoenix Drop High and I have to say... Seeing so many faces here just warms my heart." Layla says as many students talk amongst one another but the Werewolves are... Sheepish and shy... Weren't they just talking seconds ago?

"Oh! And of course, me and our lovely staff here will be in our offices if you need to talk to any one of us. We now have a nurse within an old classroom just on the second floor and many of the classrooms have been modified one way or another. Stuff like Magic Resistant walls or floors, bulletproof windows, and so much more. So get out onto the field and make us proud Phoenix Drop High!" Mrs. Layla announces as that was the end of the announcement, prompting everyone to rush outside, mostly the Werewolves, as the groups walk out into the open field. Ashter however tries to sniff out Ivy with the weird strawberry scene she had going on but a lot of others had the same, making his nose run wild as Ashter growls to himself,

"C'mon... I just wanted to talk to you, is that too much to ask?" Ashter complains as before he notices, Aphmau rushes up to him,

"Ash!" Aphmau says as Ashter was surprised for Aphmau to find him first,

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