Chapter 17: An... WAR!?!

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Ashter is seen in his room, having it be a little over a week, a lot has gone by. (Episode 18 has also been taken off due to Ashter being the Alpha Male. Thanks to this there is no need for that episode but if you want to watch it, here you go. Enjoy!)

"A-Aaron! Man, it's been far too long!" Ashter is enthusiastically speaking with his friend on the phone. It's like they're brothers and could calmly and comfortably talk on the phone!

Aaron chuckles,

"Y-Yeah... It has..." He says as he gets to the point,

"Hey... I wanted to ask you and Aphmau something." Aaron says as Ashter cocks up an eyebrow,

"Shoot." Ashter is virtuous as his turn clears his throat,

"I wanted to know if you and Aph wanted to spend the summer together... Just the three of us." Aaron asks so... Weirdly... It was concerning,

"Aaron...?" Ashter asks as he then speaks,

"Is everything alright? You seem... Cautious." Ashter wonders as with a snicker barely recognizable, Aaron plays it off as nothing,

"Hahaha! You sure have an amazing hearing as always!" Aaron chuckles,

"No... It's just... My family... Uh... I have a lot of problems with my parents and I don't want to bother them. I saved some money from a part-time job to take us to a nice little hotel not too far from here! Obviously, I talked to your mom about this...

It was Zina as she is a lot more excited as you could think,

"Really!?! You'd really take him to a nice hotel!?!" Zina was a bit surprised as Aaron chuckled,

"Yes, Ms. Lake. I promise you, I just want to spend some time with him and Aphmau." Aaron smiles brightly, getting her approval,

"Pah! Don't worry about him at all! Besides... I heard he has grown in his WitchCraft Abilities. I'll talk to Sylvana about this, however... Who knows how she'll react if I didn't mention Ashter." Zina sighs

"So yeah! I just needed to know if you're down? Next week is the start of Spring Break after all!" Aaron says, but a sudden call is ringing in Ashter's phone.

"Oh... Huh? From Principal Layla...?" Ashter says in a bit of shock, as Aaron chuckles,

"Guess this means goodbye for now?" Aaron says as Ashter nods,

"Yeah... See you soon, Aaron." Ashter ends the call, picking up the next.

Listening and listening, Ashter grew weird and warry, his attitude changes when the voice of his principal says,

"Ashter. You need to control the Werewolves inhabiting the school."

"Ever since I was informed that four Alphas were placed at the four sections of the school, there has been... Competition."

"Huh? Competition...?" Ashter was confused,

"Yes. I know this is a horrible way to start the day. But do hear me out. Ever since you've been proclaimed to be this "God of Werewolves" others have been fighting other packs to grow stronger. Some even attempt to use Magic which a Werewolf can't naturally learn without your blood or parents. I need you to help me out with getting the school under control IMMEDIATELY." Principal Layla speaks in a tone Ashter never heard he speak IN before.

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