(Short) Chapter 19: Problems the next day...

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"S-Stop... I'm being serious, mom..." Ashter is seen with bandages around his body as Zina groans with annoyance,

"Sweety... I am extremely concerned about this... Werewolf thing. I get it, but this... This is too much..." Zina looks at Ashter as he chuckles, revealing...

Magical Scarring...

It'll heal, but they'll be there...

"Don't... Worry, mom..." Ashter reassures her as the Werewolf is seen lying in his bed as he runs to his side, away from his mother, to hide the shame and fear...

Was the whole fight even worth it? Ein's Pack is known as the strongest behind his... And Ashter is the only one that can defend his friends... Or so he thinks of them as siblings. Younger siblings he needs to protect.

"Alright... I'll let you rest, for now, then," Zina says, a bit worried as she closes the door... Ashter lays there, before getting up as he looks at a wall-mounted mirror... He wears seats but bandages are wrapped mainly around his torso...

Such horrifying Magic output... It scarred his body... He knew these things can happen, but to happen when they used Potions? Or was it...

That glass...?

He can't tell as he unwraps the bandages as his masculine torso has slashes of faded red scars all over... Especially at the part, he has been stabbed with that glass...

He can't tell what this means, but Ashter knows something bad is about to happen tomorrow...

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