Chapter 4: Walking To School Buddies

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A new morning and a new day for the new Alpha as Ashter is seen buttoning up his blazer, as his mom knocks on the door, coming into the room,

"Look at my little baby! Goodness, I just can't believe it's your Junior Year!" Zina gushes over her child, her hair was just on the verge of reaching the floor as it's in its normal ponytail. Ashter somewhat grows embarrassed,

"Mom... You already knew this..." Ashter pouts as Zina smiles, wearing a white and black shirt with light blue jeans.

"Hurry up, Ashter, Sylvana wanted me to drop you off at her place for today!" Zina says, confused Ashter,

"Huh? Drop me off? I can walk by myself you know." Ashter says as Zina peeks into Ashter's room,

"Ashter. I just forgot about that, and after that incident where you sent FIFTEEN Werewolves to the hospital, I'm not going to take my chances." Zina says as Ashter grows... Guilty.

It was a week within the summer as Ashter is seen walking around the neighborhood. Everything was great until fifteen Werewolves came popping up, Balto being its leader.

"Well well well... If it isn't that mutt in the pack," Balto says as Ashter immediately grows alarmed,

"What do you want," Ashter demands an answer for... This, as Balto scoffs, pushing away the question,

"I don't take orders from a filthy tainted blood, but all I'm here for is for the title of Alpha back where it belongs," Balto smirks as the Werewolves also smirk. Ashter doesn't recognize their smell or faces, they must be from another school,

"Go get 'em," Balto demands as the Werewolves attack Ashter, but in an instant when a punch is thrown at him, Ashter steps to the side as his eyes glow white, a punch landing on the back of the Werewolf,

"HA!" Ashter screams as the Werewolf was punched down with such force it seems inhumane to the naked eye.

"What the-!?! Grr... Hurry up and ambush him!" Balto demands as that was one down... Fourteen to go.

Ashter dodges every punch given to him, as he circles the upcoming attacks, as when he circles another, he swings his body downwards under an upcoming kick, as his fist then targets the ground,

"Let's see how you work against a tornado!" Ashter yells as he smashes his fist to the ground, as a spiraling gust of Wind lifts the Werewolves off the ground, they're flung into the air as Balto steps back, terrified.

"What the-!?! What WAS that!?!" Balto asks in fear, hitting a piece of the cement as he falls, looking up with a terrified expression as Ashter slowly walks forward. His white eyes piercing even the toughest metal.

"You had no right to even challenge me." Ashter's bark turns into a bite as Balto felt the deadliest venom radiating from Ashter. His primal fighting spiritual being felt by even the further Werewolf away from them.

"S-Stay back!" Balto demands in fright as Ashter's eyes flicker to a blazing red,

"I don't like those who mess up my day." Ashter growls, his black jacket covering his white shirt, its opening in the middle as he wears dark blue shorts and black combat boots.

"HAA!" Yells a Werewolf who stays unconscious and tries to attack Ashter, but with another flick from red and white, Ashter turns around as he points his palm at the Werewolf, a blast of wind knocking him back into the streets once again.

"Grr... Stupid idiots-!" Balto grunts as Ashter grabs his shirt's collar, pulling Balto up to Ashter's eye view,

"Don't you DARE call them stupid..." Ashter growls with anger. The anger that is shown when Balto just used the other Werewolves and calls them idiots for going by his demands,

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