Chapter 16: A fate collided... In a arcade?

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"Yeah... And I didn't even get a single tie at all..." Ashter is seen in his room with a grey tank top and black shorts. He calls Jennifer to vent out this frustration and anger,

"Jeez, you have a mighty weird life for such a kind and determined boy i'll give ya that." Jennifer talks in her... Country accent? Texas? Now he's just being stereotypical,

"Eh... I never knew my mom... I did hear her name once but that's it. Even Ein doesn't know her mom's name." Ashter groans as Jennifer chuckles,

"Must be a weird life living in the city. Tell ya what, why not I come and visit soon? We could... Go hang out? This'll be a great opportunity for me to get used to the great big city." Jennifer recommends as Ashter became... Confused...

"H-Huh? What do you mean "get used to"?" Ashter asks as Jennifer laughs,

"Oh, sweet Irene on a silver platter... My ma and pa never had their degrees and I've been saving my money since I was an itty bitty toddler. I want to be a Zoologist." Jennifer says in slight reluctancy as Ashter happily accepts that idea of hers,

"W-Wow! That's great! I heard Zoologists are great with animals and studying them!" Ashter was amazed,

"Yeah... But my ma wants me to get a nice boyfriend soon so that's also why I am moving to the city. Life is tough when out in the middle of nowhere hours away from actual life." Jennifer was a bit sad by saying that... But chuckles as Ashter... Actually felt some sort of relation to that. Always wanted to roam the stars and be free without anything to worry about... Jennifer wants to be near people and the populous.

"So... A arcade is where I want to go. Many people around our age go there on the weekends you have no idea." Ashter chuckles from this as Jennifer does so as well,

"Yea, my ma and pa said that's where they want on their first date. It's extraordinarily corny don't ask about that in front of them..." Jennifer shivers a bit as the Meifwa can feel the creepy crawly of that story ringing through her head.

"Oh yeah... What will your parents think? You are pretty far away..." Ashter was confused, but then hears the doorbell ring,

"Hehe, we've... Already thought of that one..." Jennifer nervously chuckles as a beep is heard, indicating the call had ended as Ashter was... Very confused...

But walking down the stairs does he smell people familiar...

"Dan! Oh my, Irene what are you guys doing here!?!" Zina is heard surprised and disorientated as Ashter's eyes widened a bit, realizing,

"What's up nephew? Glad you very much up and awake." Darla is heard as Ashter was surprised, but realizes,

"A-Are you guys going to stick around?" Ashter asks as Zina chuckles,

"No... Okay, yep! We're staying at y'all's humble abode. Pretty nice right little kid?" Darla speaks in her stereotypical Texas accent as if from the movies.


But it wasn't that long as Jennifer judges Ashter's place... Her eyes twinkled at the artificial stars,

"Wow... Just like the night sky my ma and pa show me." Jennifer grew amazed and astonished as she examines various potions and mythical artifacts on shelves bolted on the wall,

"Skulls, bottles, and some weird jewels... I didn't know you Werewolves were so... Geological? Is that the word?" Jennifer was a bit confused but had the spirit,

"Actually... I use these for my WitchCraft Class. Kind of a... A thing we do?" Ashter tries to make his case just a little... Bit realistic?

"Uh-huh. Anyways, my ma and pa are dropping me off here for a week or two. Fine by me I guess, but not for the matter of fact I just told them about my plans." Jennifer explains, and the conversation was mature between her and her parents.

Phoenix Drop High S2: Leader Of The Pack! (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora