Chapter 8: ... Things...

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"It's been all night... And that woman..." Ashter thinks as he remembers that black-haired woman... The doctor, Ein's mom,

Ashter lays in bed, as he thinks... The night was new and Ashter was way too awake to think properly... It's like those thoughts that shroud your head yet keeps you up, like a baby wanting attention,

"Why can't I stop thinking about her...?" Ashter thinks, rolling to the side as he lays on his side,

"... Mom, please tell me you aren't hiding anything..." Ashter groans, before getting up out of bed because of these... Thoughts.

Going to his window, he wears a thick black strapped tank top as it presses on his torso, showcasing a muscular build as Ashter wears dark blue shorts. The Werewolf's tail and ear flow out of his respective body parts as the boy stared out into the stary sky... Gazing at the moonlight and starlight as they twinkle like jewels in the cold and bright galaxy... Sometimes Ashter just wants to leave into space, living in its neighborhood of stars and nothing else to bother him... Ashter always wanted to be an astronaut, and study the stars up closer than before... A stargazer with extra steps. The boy slowly pulls up the window, feeling the breeze hit his exposed arms and face as the top didn't help either... Ashter swiftly exits his window, trailing up the roof as this was just like the time from last year... Well, could've. Just himself and nobody else to tell him what to do in the midst of the night, as his eyes reacted to the moonlight... As he heard a voice.

"Little one..." Says a woman's voice, as Ashter turns to the sides, wondering what the echos were,

"Huh...?" Ashter asks in sudden confusion,

"You're him. I'm you. I'm sure you aren't scared, since you don't seem like it." Echos the overlaid voice of a wise yet going woman.

"Uh... Hello? Who's talking to me...?" Ashter stands on the flattened area of the roof as he gazes around... But before seeing a mist of cold blues and shining silvers... The woman's hair was black and flowing with this misty color, her eyes were silver like Ashter's and she was old with age... Yet young with youth.

"I had heed your calls... And I answered it." Says the sweet yet stern voice of this... Being.

"I don't understand... How... Who are you?" Ashter asks as he felt this before... A familiar yet foreign feeling.

"There will be a time where you'll know my name, and who I am, but be warned... Soon, many mysteries will be uncovered little one. And everything you've built will soon tumble down. Beware, my descendant, for you will face the truth of reality... And meet someone who is just like you, many years to come..." Says the misty woman as Ashter was confused.

"H-Huh? What do you-!" Asher's eyes suddenly glow but he didn't notice but felt something.

"You're the one alright... I've always known you, my host, was different from the rest..." Athena's hands softly touch Ashter's cheek as his eyes were like hers... Ashter felt the warmth in her touch as the light of his eyes reflect off of her hand...

"Remember. Always practice your Magics. Always stay strong. Because you're gifted with the life of two... Make use of it..." Says the woman, as she bursts in a wild mist of Magical energy, as it retreats into Ashter's body... And suddenly, the worry faded away...

Ashter sits on the roof, wondering what happened on this very night. His pain seemed to vanish as if Magic... Ashter gazes at the moon as the light in Ashter's eye vanishes as time passes...

It was then a new day, Ashter wears his uniform, and is ready to go, as he steps out of his house, refreshed... Yet the thoughts of last night still linger...

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