[2] consumed thoughts

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"Humans are like glass. We break and don't get fixed." Kit Walker (Evan Peters), American Horror Story: Asylum

[2] consumed thoughts

My eyes didn't leave Clarity's until she walked away, out of sight. Left speechless, I headed towards my car, thoughts consisting of Clarity. The name was a odd one, to be honest, it was unusual. Plus, her complexion was bizzare, in a captivating way of course. Just her herself was captivating. Call me cliché, but I was instantly drawn to her.

Even when I arrived to the diner, my thoughts surrounded the subject of her. She had been caught with alcohol which meant she'd be held over night and her parents would pick her up the next day. Which meant that I could go there and...casually stop by to see my brother.

What a plan, I had. But it all seemed a little over the top, I mean, she was just a girl I saw at a police station. I hadn't even uttered a word to her, except when she looked at me and said her name, I hadn't said anything. She probably had no interest in me whatsoever, and that seemed reasonable. No one ever seemed to like me, as in girl wise. And I've come across many girls who were attractive. Did I talk to them? Of course not.

I wasn't even in that conversation. Okay, I am just over thinking all of this, she was just a girl that was at the police station. That was in trouble with the police well not on good terms, may I add. So, if my dad ever met her and knew what she did, he'd really have to impress her. Plus, my brother knew what she did; which was have alcohol on her when she's underage, and he probably wouldn't be too happy if I brought her home either. Heck, why was I talking about taking her home? As if, she'd ever want to be around me.
I wouldn't be able to call her mine, and she was okay with that.

My mom slapped the notebook full of orders down at the counter beside me, causing me to jump, and she sighed and sat down. "So," she breathed out. "Did Morris like his food I gave him?" My mom was in her mid- thirties, but still looked about twenty with her dark gray-free hair and clear face.

I nodded my head. "Yep, he did. Said we were a life saver, too." I said, not really in the mood for talking. I was more in the mood for reading a book in peace and quiet.

She chuckled. " That's Morris for you. Honey, could you take that tables order? My feet are killing me today, they are so sore in these new shoes you Grandmother got me for my birthday." She directed her attention at a table with a couple laughing and smiling as they looked over the menus displayed before them.

I stiffled a groan, forcing a smile onto my face, I said, "Sure mom. Go get some rest. The diner will be closing soon anyways." It was true, the diner would be closing soon. It was almost midnight.

She looked up, a piece of her hair from her bun was in her face. "Are you sure?" She must have sensed I didn't really want to, but I would anyways. My mom could always tell when I lied or didn't wanna do something.

It was a blessing and a curse.

I looked around, the diner wasn't that full anyways and I could handle it and so could Claire who was one of our waitress we had hired not long ago. She was my age, Claire. She had long, think dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. Claire and I were okay friends. We had a few conversations at times. She hung out with people I didn't like. They were loud, obnoxious girls and boys. Yet, she was a lot different. Either she acted different around me because I was the boss's son and didn't want to get in trouble or she showed me the real her.

"Yeah, go ahead. Go rest and sleep."

"Love you, Nolan." She ruffled my hair and walked away. After adjusting my hair back to its original place, I walked over to the table that the couple sat at and flirted. "Hi, I'm Nolan, I'll be taking your order. So what would you two like to drink?"

"Water." the girl answered, staring at the boy across her flirtatiously.

"Dr. Pepper." the guy winked at the girl, and she blushed. I chose to ignore the flirting that was going on, I was used to it; my parents did it all the time. Which was kinda different since they were, like, older and these people were younger. Overall the age difference, watching two people flirt shamelessly wasn't so appealing to the eyes of others.

"Alright, I'll be back with your drinks," I walked away and let them talk longer as they looked for what they wanted to eat on the menu.

"Sorry, excuse me," said Claire as she squeezed beside me to get some drinks for the other costumers. "Oh, I cannot wait until I'm off." She told me, filling up a cup with Sundrop before filling another cup with ice. She then began filling it up with Coke.

"Do you have special plans with your friends?" I asked her, holding the two drinks in my hand.

She pressed her lips together, nodding. She turned to me, holding her drinks also, "Yeah, I am. A few friends and I are all going to Kylie's lake house. Wanna come?"

"Um..maybe another time. See, I got stuff to do after the diner closes."

Claire nodded her head. "Oh. Okay. Well, if you ever get bored of just being up in your room ever change your mind, you know where to find me."

I nodded because I didn't really know what to say. She got the hint that the conversation was over and walked away.

I walked back over to the couple at the table. "Here you go," I set their drinks on the table carefully so I wouldn't spill it on them. I'd done that once. It didn't go too well. "You two know want you guys want to eat?"

The guy looked up at me. "Yes. We would." He was strongly built with muscled arms and such. He didn't even grin at me. He sure was polite.

But the girl smiled, she seemed kind with her light red hair and brown eyes and nice smile. "I would like a chicken sandwich with fries." That was a good choice.

"I'd like a cheeseburger with fries." The guy said and I left after smiling politely.

"Hey dad," I smiled at my father as I watched him push up his glasses on his nose as he wiped his hands on his pants from washing them.

"Hey Nolan," my dad said. I placed the order in, waiting for their food to be cooked. My mom was in the break room, resting her head in her hands. She was tired.

I gave them their food when it was ready. When they were done, they left and not long after that we closed the diner. I went home, ready for bed. I liked reading, especially when I zoned out as I read and nothing around me mattered anymore, it was just me and the book. Also, it gave me peace and calmed my nerves most of the time. I didn't understand why Claire would even offer me to hang with her and her friends. They didn't know me too well. Neither did Claire. Did she feel sorry for me or something?

I bookmarked my place, turned off my lamp, and went to sleep. I dreamed of the gray eyed girl who I couldn't seem to get my mind off lately.

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