[3] caught in the trap

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"Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one..."
Missing You - All Time Low

[3] caught in the trap

When I went to visit my brother, Morris, the next day, he was seated at his desk, once again as he worked away. "Hey," he said when he saw me walking towards him. "What are you doing here?"

I shrugged, trying to play cool, "I, uh, just came to see you, is that a problem? I probably won't stay long." The wheezing sound of the AC filled our silence besides the clicking of tongues of other policemen and them taking in a few straggling trouble makers.

"Nah, it's not a bad problem, but, I just saw you yesterday. But okay, that's fine. What's up?" He chewed his gum and put his hands behind his head, stretching his arms.

"Nothing much, really. Don't really have nothing much to do, honestly." I sighed as I took a piece of the pack of gum sitting at his desk, popping it into my mouth, "What about you?"

"Just my job, mostly." Morris said as he glared at me from taking his gum. I pretended not to notice and blew a bubble just to annoy him. "Some teen, about your age, came in last night-did you see her?-well, anyways she had liquor on her, vodka actually, and she should be coming out here soon...Parents should be on the way, I think."

"Oh, I did see a girl, I think, she have black hair?" I tried my best to keep my voice even. Morris nodded his head. "Yeah, I saw her but didn't know exactly what she was here for."

"Yeah. Jeez, does she have a freaking smart mouth. This one cop on the night shift, Amanda, well, she about hit...oh what's her name? Oh yeah - Clarity. I don't know what was passed between them, but it wasn't pretty."

"Wow," I said, stuffing my hands in my pockets. I would have liked to see her get smart mouthed to Amanda, that would have been amusing. Or really bad because Amanda actually wasn't that bad. She had a good sense of humor and was really nice.

Morris nodded, eyes a little wide, "You could literally see the steam coming out of Amanda's ears too! Haha!"

Mid-chuckle, she came strolling in with a smirk plastered on her face. "Hey," barked an officer. "You parents told us they are on the way, so we are gonna make you - yes you - sit right there." They made her sit down on a chair closest to the doors.

Clarity glared at both of the officers, looking annoyed. "Yes, sir. I shall do whatever you please. Now, please, enlighten us what you did to the girl in the next holding cell, huh? You know how you went in there, locked the door, forced her to undr-"

"Do not speak like that, young lady!" snapped the other officer, face red, and forehead beaded with sweat. "Or we will have you locked back up again-"

"Yes, because that would be such torture." Clarity's hair was down and still looked good besides the slight, little tangles. Her make up was lightly smudged under her eyes, even though it looked surprisingly good. "Oh, please. Don't do that." By the smirk on her face she was either wanting to provoke them or she was dead serious.

"Young lady, you are running thin-"

"Just shut up! She's provoking you!" The first officer who made her sit down snapped, clearly fed up with the bickering between the two.

"Let's just wait till her parents get here," another said at his desk, reassuring the fuming officers in a calm voice.

"Err, I gotta take a piss, hold up. You can watch her for a second, okay?" The officer who was arguing with Clarity said, biting his lip.


"Ahem," Clarity cleared her throat, crossing her arms as she looked at him. "When did I become a dog you need to watch?"

The other officer who had to pee walked towards the bathroom quickly. "Since you decided to be have alcohol with you. And got held over night, so yeah, we need to watch you."

Clarity chuckled humorlessly, licking her pink lips, the red lipstick no longer there anymore, "Do you want me to bark too?"

"Well," Morris said as he looked away from her, making my attention turn back to him, "I told you she had a mouth, didn't I?" He shook his head.

I felt my eyes go back to her again, she wasn't bickering with the officer, she was staring at the ground with her face emotionless now. "Yeah" I say slowly. "She does." My phone buzzed in my jeans pocket, my mom was calling me. "Hello?" I answered the call, walking a little aways from my brother.

"Are you still at the police station with your brother?" Mom asked me, the sounds of the diner in the background.

"Yeah, but I'll be heading towards the diner in a few, okay?" I looked down at my feet, making marching steps as I walked around as I chatted with her.

"Okay, that will be good. Love you," she hung up after I said bye. I pressed the end button and slipped it in my pocket. Sighing, I looked to see my brother talking to an officer - no, it was the one supposed to be watching Clarity - I looked for her and then realized I was a few feet away from her. My breath hitched.

I debated whether or not I should just keep causally standing there or just walk away.

Her gray eyes trailed upwards to meet mine, sensing my presence. We stared at one another for a few heartbeats until she spoke up, "Hey there. Want to do me a favor?" She asked in a sweet tone, sending me a bittersweet smile as she straightened up in her seat. All the sarcasm she had used to get the officers riled up was gone. Now she was serious and staring at me.

I hadn't known then just how toxic the rays of heat would be when they clouded up in my longs, breathing in everything about her.


What do you think Clarity's favor is for Nolan to do?

Do you like Morris?

Random question:: if you could date one famous person, who would it be and why?

I can't wait to hear your thoughts so comment :)

Okay I have to do homework now

- Talia

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