[11] we meet again

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"You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece..." Colors - Halsey

[11] we meet again

The next following days were quite boring. The highlight of my week, besides the day I had spent with Flynn and Mia, was when Mom, Dad, and I watched Family Feud together then played Uno. Of course, I had won the game. Dad and I made a bet, whoever won the game would not have to do chores for a week.

So I'm seated on the couch while Dad is sweeping the kitchen. Mom was beside me, doing a crossword puzzle.

"Make sure do sweep that floor good, honey," said Mom as she wrote in the book.

I heard him make an impatient noise. "Sure will." Then he muttered something that sounded a lot like, "stupid bet,"

I snickered. Mom shot me an amused glance, giggling.

Dad was talking. "Where's the trash bag? The trash needs to be changed. After that, I'll make dinner." He walked into the living room.

"In the cabinet full of cleaning supplies." Then her eyebrows rose. "You're gonna make dinner tonight?"

"I planned on doing it, yeah," he said as he pushed his glasses up higher on his face.

"Now I don't want you doing all the work around the house. That's really sweet of you, too. I'll help you, if you'd like. What were you planning on making anyways?" She stood up, putting the book on the spot beside her, and walked with him to the kitchen.

"I was going to check if we had stuff for tacos..." He trailed off.

I went up in my room, sighed, and sat down beside my dog, Thunder, who was fast asleep and snoring loudly. "I should do what you're doing," I spoke to him, although I know he wasn't listening, but still spoke anyways. "You seem quite peaceful sleeping." I took my shirt off along with my jeans and got under my blankets.

Even though the sound of pans clinking together, the fits of giggles from my mother, and the loud snores from my dog, I still fell asleep pretty quickly.


"Nolan, wake up!" said a voice, shaking me. It was my Mom. "Dinners done. C'mon and eat."

I yawned loudly and got up. I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that was lying on the chair by my desk. I followed Mom out of the room and went down to the kitchen and sat at the table. Dad was humming along to some tune and piled his plate with tacos shells, meat cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes.

"Want me to make you a taco, Nolan?" Mom asked nicely.

"Yes, please," I said with a dry throat. I opened the fridge and got a bottled water.

Dad sat down at the head of the table. Mom gave me my plate, I thanked her, and she sat down with her plate. Then we began to eat our dinner.

"Did you sleep good?" Mom asked me.

I nodded.

We then proceeded to eat dinner in silence while our thoughts wandered freely.


"Nolan, someone is here for you." announced Carrie the next morning, wiping her hands on a wash rag on the counter. We were working at The Delighted again, just the two of us, and David, our new cook. My parents weren't here today, they took the day off, to visit my grandmother, Martha, who was at nursing home. My parents, Morris, and I always tried to visit her as much as possible. Today, on the other hand, both Morris and I couldn't go so only my parents went to visit her.

"Really? Who?" I curiously asked.

Claire shrugged.

"I dunno, it's a girl though. A pretty one, I give you that." Carrie looked away and began to fill a cup of ice. "You better start going or else that girl will think you aren't here and I was only lying or something."

"Okay," I said and walked out of the kitchen. Clarity was standing by the front, in a long shirt with a skull on it with leggings, and her hair was down.

"Clarity?" My voice had gotten high.

Her eyes looked as bright as ever with her makeup. This was the first time I'd seen her with a lot of it on besides the first encounter we had had. "Hi, Nolan," she said. I barely even noticed the other people casting curious glances our way. If Clarity noticed, she didn't make it obvious, or seem to care.

"Hey," I slowly said. What was she doing here? I couldn't believe it! She was here, as beautiful and captivating as ever, and I was standing before her with a holey shirt and smelled of greasy food and sweat. "What're you doing here?" I said in a single breath.

She smirked. "I was wondering-" Claire zoomed past us and began to take peoples order while we chatted, "-if you wanted to hang out with me?" She saw the surprised look on my face and explained, "Not like a date, Nolan."

Oh. "Right now?" I asked, and looked around. We didn't have that full of a house, a few couples, and families were littered along the tables, eating and conversing with one another.

"Right now."

I bit my bottom lip. "Um, let me check..."

I walked away to the back where David and Claire were. She handed David someone's order and turned around, facing me. She met eyes with me, turned back away, and started to make drinks, humming lowly to a song that seemed to be stuck in her head.

"Guys," I began, neither of them looked up, but I knew they were listening to me. "D-Do you think it would be okay if I, uh, left for a little bit, to hang out with m-my friend...?"

David looked up and smiled kindly at me. "Sure, bud. Have fun with your girl."

I felt my face get hot. "She's not my girl," I wished it were true, I thought distantly. "Are you sure, though? If it is too busy I can just go tell her-"

David wiped his forehead before flipping a burger. "Nolan, don't worry about it; Claire and I will be just fine, won't we, Claire?"

Claire nodded, "We will, David."

"Okay." I started to walk away, but stopped and looked at Claire. "Hey...If my parents come back, cover for me, please?"

She nodded, not looking at me. She was still filling drinks.

"Thanks!" I called over my shoulder to the two of them. Once I walked out, Clarity was standing there, waiting. She heard me approaching and looked up.

"Ready?" Clarity questioned me, titling her pretty head to one side. I nodded wordlessly and followed her out of the diner. As soon as we stepped out, she linked her arm with my very own, catching me off guard, and said cheerfully, "Prepare for the best and most memorable day of your life, Nolan Livingston!"

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