[21] rekindling relationships

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"To the well-organized mind, death is but the great adventure

- Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

[21] rekindling friendships

"I need to talk to you," were the first words I'd heard from Mia's mouth as she dragged herself into the back room at the diner, an exhausted sigh leaving her lips. Her hair was in a loose pony tail, multiple loose hairs falling everywhere. Her face rid of any make up and she was in sweatpants with a pullover.

"Yeah, what is it?" Worried, I set my book down and directed my entire attention towards her. The rattling of David cleaning a couple dishes filled the air as she tried to form words.

Biting onto her lip, Mia looked around. "I-I... Can we go somewhere we can talk, uh, alone, I guess?"

I nodded my head and got up. Mia was really starting to worry me. We made our way to the roof - no one was really allowed up here, but we didn't care. Mia, Flynn, and I'd been up here many times before without letting any of my parents knowing of, thankfully. Usually, we'd bring a twelve pack of drinks and some food. But today this was different. Definitely more important than the other times being up here.

"Alright," I said, sitting down and beckoning her to come lay her head in my lap. We used to do that a lot when she'd be upset. Especially when her parents used to argue all the time. It'd worry her a lot, like any child would be. She used to think they'd get a divorce, but eventually they had worked things out somehow. Which was great.

She gently sat down, then leaned back to rest her head in my lap. "Okay," I said as I began to play with the loose strands of hair, the thick curls wrapping itself onto my fingers, "tell me what's got you so troubled."

I felt her shoulders drop as she sighed, her fingers playing with a loose thread from her pullover. "Flynn and I kissed." I felt my heart momentarily stop, processing the words. Happiness bloomed in my chest, the happiness spreading onto my lips in a smile.

"When did this happen?" I asked her calmly. I gazed down at her. From the side view of her face, I could tell this was really worrying her. She wasn't smiling or even showing signs of happiness. Instead, only worry and concern.

The sunlight made her light freckles contrast against her dark skin. "A little bit after my grandmother's birthday party. We'd finally come back home and then Flynn showed up not long after. Then he started acting weird - you know how he always jokes around and is a huge goof ball? Yeah, well he wasn't. He was more nervous and awkward." If her skin was lighter, her blush would've been a dark shade of red that'd blot her cheeks.

"So he kissed you? Then you kissed back?" The answer was clear that she, indeed, did kiss him back.

"Yeah," she threw her hands over her face. "But we're friends. I mean, we've been friends, like, a while...and now what's gonna happen? Is it gonna be thrown away over a kiss?"

"No, it shouldn't be. You two can make it work." I said. "First off, how did you feel about the kiss?"

Mia glanced away to look at the other buildings close by. "How did you feel when you kissed Clarity?" I felt my cheeks get hot and I wish I had Mia's skin so my blush wouldn't be so obvious.

"Um," scratching the back of my neck, I racked my brain to try to find the right words to explain exactly what I'd felt. But it was hard to describe things when you enjoy them so much that you can't find the correct words you'd like to accurately fit. "It felt calming but then the total opposite, you know? It made my insides freeze over and shatter inside. It felt like everything had been intensified around us..." I cleared my throat, embarrassed and red faced. "But it can happen differently for everyone, of course."

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