[13] when she presses play

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"I don't know what to call it, what was happening between us, but I liked it. It felt silly and fragile and good."
- Ransom Riggs

[13] when she presses play

Being around Clarity heightened my senses; I made sure to keep my eyes alert, looking for her and making sure she was by me. If she touched me on my arm or anywhere else, I could swear I could feel it everywhere on me. And when she'd lean close to say something to me, I could always smell her faint scent of grass and lake water from when we had just went swimming not long ago.
And when she'd smile at me and say something, I'd make sure to note the way she formed the words, the way she let them slip off her tongue like her favorite song.

She was the closest and furthest thing from perfect I have ever encountered.

"Are you even listening?" She asked me impatiently. I looked over to her, she was standing by a record store, her arms crossed and her eyes on me.

"No," I gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry. Lost in thought."

"Understandable," she pushed open the doors, and I followed behind her. The smell of ink, cheap perfume, and rain filled the record store. A tall woman was at the counter and alongside her was a boy who looked around thirteen or fourteen with a book in his hands. Neither looked up until Clarity and I arrived at the counter.

The woman smiled widely at Clarity, a fondness to her voice, "Hey there, pretty girl. What're you up to today?" The boy dropped the book as his eyes landed on Clarity, mumbled apologies, and got out of the chair to grab the book.

"Not much, Mallory, just looking around," she looked over at the boy who was still scrambling to get the book. "Hey George. How are you?"

Making a surprised noise, he abruptly stood up. Pushing up his thick glasses with shaky fingers, he managed a quiet, "Oh, m'fine..."

Clarity didn't seem to notice how nervous he was. Instead, she directed her attention back to Mallory. George let out a long breath of relief.

"This is Nolan," Clarity said, gesturing to me.

"Hi," I mumbled lowly.

Mallory beamed. "Hello, Nolan! How are you?"

"Splendid," I looked over at George who kept his eyes on his book and tried to find his page.

"Anything new, Mallory?" asked Clarity, changing the subject.

"Actually, yes." Mallory smiled, "I'll be right back!" she said over her shoulder as she sauntered off to the back.

Complete silence filled the room without Mallory.

Finally, Clarity spoke up, her attention directed on George, "What book are you reading?"

He looked up and gulped. "Um, It's called... Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire."

"Ah," she said. "I've never read it. Have you, Nolan?"

"Yes," I nodded and eyed the book. "I've read all of the books." George nervously smiled at me.

"Found it!" We heard Mallory's voice from the back. "Here," she smiled as she handed it to Clarity. "Bring Me The Horizon record and an Arctic Monkeys record."

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