[16] talking about her

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[16] talking about her

"Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right."
- Stephen Richards

Euphoria seemed to create a home in my body ever since the night of the party. In any cases did I ever consider Clarity Stevens, the gray eyed beauty to kiss me fully on the mouth. But my whole body - no every single nerve in my body - was full of pure bliss.

When I thought of the kiss as I wiped tables clean two days after the fact, I couldn't help the stupid grin that'd find its way to my lips. Even my parents had noticed that my mood was cheerier than usual. David, of course, just smirked knowingly at me. I didn't utter a single word about the kiss to anyone - not even Flynn or Mia. Heck, neither of them knew of her since I've yet to tell them.

"Honey, you missed a spot," advised my mom as she passed by with a tray full of burgers and fries.

"Mhmm," I hummed, my thoughts elsewhere, and wiped the spot she had indicated.

Clarity and I didn't speak much after she and I shared an intimate moment under the stars. And truthfully, I was beginning to wonder if that was a good thing or not. But another reason - or excuse - was that Nina had drank too many shots and was way too drunk to function, so Clarity sat in the back with her while I got the passenger seat. Of course, I was dropped off first at my house and I was thankful for all the times I'd helped Morris that it wasn't that hard for me to sneak inside my house.

"Don't forget we're closing early since Tucker and Naomi are coming over," said dad, following me to the back room. Tucker and Naomi were old college friends of my parents. They'd only been to the house maybe two or three times to watch a football game or a cook out. Most of the time when they'd come over, I'd only stay in the same room with them and my parents to eat or watch the game for a few minutes before leaving.

"Okay," I said, almost bumping into Robert, one of the waiters, as he zoomed by with soft drinks. Just like Tucker and Naomi, I didn't talk to him much. He was in his late thirties with long black hair and big glasses that slid off his narrow nose frequently. Mainly, he chatted with my dad or Claire.

Speaking of Claire, I think she didn't work next until Tuesday and today was Sunday. But I didn't know her schedule by heart so I could be wrong.

Later on that night when my parents were with the guests, I was up in my room laying on the floor as I stared up at the ceiling. I brought my fingers to my lips. It was weird that not long ago my lips had touched Clarity's, it seemed too precious, almost too good.

I picked myself up from the floor and went to my window. From across the street, I could see the house that Clarity had stormed out of that one night. Was she inside that house right now?

Probably not.

She was probably hanging out with some of her friends and having fun while I'm stuck in the house, as bored as can be.

To try to make myself not so bored, I call Flynn. He might be playing video games, so he might not answer. If he doesn't I'll just call Mia, she's more than likely either on Netflix or listening to some band she likes. Flynn didn't answer so I called Mia.

She answered after a few rings, "Nolan?"

"Hi, Mia." I said back. I sat down on my desk chair and flipped through a book of poems by Edgar Allan Poe.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Mia. I heard rustling noises on the other line and knew she was eating food.

"Not much. You?"

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