[20] appearances

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"All we do is drive, all we do is think about the feelings that we hide..." Drive - Halsey

[20] appearances

Waking up to a loud ringtone at one in the morning doesn't really make you in a good mood. It was dark and I was groggy and didn't want to reach my phone on the nightstand. But I did after a long yawn, stretching my legs.

"Hello?" I said irritably. I figured it'd be Flynn, bored and wanting to make plans with me again. It had been two days since I'd officially hung out with them. Mia had been too busy with her grandmother, whose birthday wasn't long ago. Then there's Flynn which I had no idea what he's been up to lately.

"H-Hi, is this Nolan?" Even with my half asleep state, I could tell the voice was familiar. And it wasn't Flynn.

I ran a hand through my wild hair, "Who's this?"

"It's Nina...Look, I'm at this party and Rick's passed out. Clarity needs to get home, and I can't drive because I'm not completely sober myself. I really hate to ask, Nolan, but would it be okay if you came here and...and give us a ride?"

My stomach did a flip. I honestly didn't expect to see Clarity in a really long time due to our last conversation which didn't go so well. I agreed anyway, and asked what the address was. As I hung up the phone, I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and shoes before sneaking down the stairs to get my keys that were in the kitchen. I wished I would've put it in my room, but I didn't think about it considering I figured I wouldn't be going anywhere except to and from work.

After grabbing the keys and making my way to my room as quietly as I could, I opened up my window ever so slowly. My dog, Thunder, was watching me with a blank expression.

"I'll be back," I whispered to him, his ears perking upwards just a bit at the sound of my voice. "I promise."

I climbed out and hurried towards my car. I turned my phone on, and looked at the address I had keyed in earlier when Nina told me on the phone. Sighing, I began following the directions to the house.

Once I arrived at the destination, I couldn't spot them anywhere around the house so I got out of my car and made my ways to the front porch. There was a few people out there, sitting on the steps.

"Hello there," said an older man, sipping on a bear, "need anything? We got cold bear in the back, you can go play cards in the furthest room to your left..."

"Um, no thanks." I declined politely. "Actually...I'm looking for Rick, Nina, and Clarity. Do you know where they could be? This is the address Nina gave me."

A woman stood up to face me. Her hair was pulled back to see her face properly. She looked really pretty with her wavy hair and bright eyes. She smiled at me, showing the small gap between her front teeth. "Last I saw, they were inside." She stretched her arm to point towards the door.

"Thank you," I said, smiling, and they made room for me to go inside. The house smelt of bear, sweat, and smoke. I scrunched up my nose a bit, but kept waking inside. Under further inspection of the house, I soon realized how dirty it looked. The walls were the ugliest shade of yellow with chipped flowery wallpaper, the floor was covered in dirt and bear bottles and many other things. The furniture looked old and dusty and I felt sorry for whoever actually had to live here.

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