[6] opportunities

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"She could make hell feel just like home..." Yeah Boy And Doll Face - Pierce The Veil

[6] opportunities

"So why did you pick me to get you out of the police station?" I asked her after a while of silence building up in the car once we left the donut shop. We already had eaten our donuts. We had both gotten chocolate donuts.
"I mean, there was a few other people to talk to, for them to drive you away like I did. So why me?"

She yawned and began to pull her hair up in a pony tail. "I didn't really pick you. I saw you there - an opportunity - and took it. By the way, why were you even at the police station?"

I didn't want to tell her I was there - mostly - so I could see her again. So instead I told her the reason why I was there the first time. "My brother, Morris, works there so I visit him."

Clarity nodded her head, looking out of the window again. "Well, that's cool."

"Yeah, I guess it is. But he isn't really uptight, well, not that much. He's actually pretty laid back, if you're on his good side."

She sat Indian style and began to search through the radio stations. "I hate small talk, Nolan." Her voice was dull as she searched through the stations with a bored expression.

Okay," I said, not really knowing what to say.

"Which, to the most uttermost conclusion, let's not do small talk." She said in a bright tone, turning the volume all the way down. "So, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

I thought about it for a second. "Well, I am supposed to run the diner my family owns-"

"What's it called?" Clarity interrupted to question me.

"The Delighted. Anyways, my parents want me to take over the diner once I get old enough to do that." I explained to her. I didn't know why I even brought that up, it was just the first thing I thought of to try to get the conversation going, and I guess it worked.

Clarity was watching me, "And do you want to do that?"

"Work there?" She nodded her head, continuing me to speak more. "Eh, I guess. I mean, I've worked there for a pretty big portion of my life. Also, my parents have always said I'd run the diner once I'm old enough."

"But your brother...?"

I shrugged. "He didn't have to, I guess. My parents wanted me to."

"Well then." Clarity replied. "If you didn't have to work there, what would you do?" She asked me seeming curious.

I didn't have a answer for that. I didn't know what I'd do. At all. All my life, I've had my mind set on working at the diner. Which led me to always block out any other career choices, so I didn't have to stress about what I wanted to be. After not answering for a while, I asked her, "What do you want to be?"

"I want to travel the world," she answered quickly like she's thought about this, not seeing fazed that I didn't answer her question. "See places, meet people. It just.. sounds so, so fun and carefree. You know?"

"Yeah," I only said because I didn't know how to answer to that. I hadn't really ever thought of traveling the world. I've only been to once vacation with my parents and brother. I was four. And we went to Florida. I barely even remember any of that besides swimming in the ocean - with floaties, of course- and getting sand all in my swimming trunks.

"Yes. I want to leave this stupid town behind as soon as I can." She said. "I hate it here."


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