[15] trembling hands

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"So, dear, no matter how we part I hold you sweetly in my head." Andria - La Dispute

[15] trembling hands

When I was younger, you could say I had a big imagination. For example, I'd imagine superheroes would come to my window, take me away, and we'd go on amazing adventures. Or I'd climb out my window and go do crazy, fun things. But the more I matured and got older, the less bizarre my imagination would become.

Some would say that's a good thing and some wouldn't. I just saw the reality in life, no superhero was going to come have fun adventures with me nor would I ever leave the house to go on some adventure. On the other hand, Morris was quite a character growing up. He and I were clearly opposites; while I, at a younger age had done, imagined unrealistic things and wished to do fun things like he would do, he never daydreamed about doing any of that because he did do fun things. When he'd sneak off to meet up with his friends and do who knows what, I'd make sure that his window was unlocked and have an alibi ready in case our parents ever suspected anything.

I figured he'd went to parties and hung out with his friends. Luckily, he was never caught in the act. Mainly because of me, but it doesn't matter.

Finally, I could do these things; things Morris had done when he was my age. Nonetheless, the excitement bubbling in me also came with the feelings of anxiousness. It seemed to crawl up my stomach, to my throat, and make me unable to speak.  My hands were sweating again and I kept picking at the skin around my fingers.

The music was loud and the house was big and there was a lot of people here at the party. I didn't pay too much attention to the house, actually. Quite frankly, I didn't want to move from the backseat at all. It was only when Clarity grabbed my shoulder did I finally become alert where I was and what I'd be doing.

"Nolan," she was saying, her fingers digging into my shoulder softly as she looked into my eyes, "you okay? You don't look so good."

I licked my dry lips, "Yeah, of course, let's go." It was better to fake it then face the truth.

It was almost unbearably hot in the house once we stepped in. Soon enough, sweat would be soaking through my clothes and my hair would be matted to my forehead if it stayed this hot. Nina fanned herself and muttered a complaint that I couldn't hear over the music. Multiple people were scrunched together to try to squeeze their way through. I looked to my left and saw a huge crowd of drunk people dancing.

Clarirty and Nina ran off to go dance, leaving Rick and I alone with each other. "Want a drink?" he'd asked as we made our way to the kitchen. Since it was hot in here, I figured I should get a drink to cool off. He poured me a cup of some liquor I didn't know the name of.

It burned my throat badly and I coughed a lot but it was cooler than the hot air inside so it made me feel a bit better.

Rick poured himself another cup full. Smirking, he commented, "First time ever drinking, eh? You like it?"

"It's alright," I said, but didn't take another sip.

"Rick!" called a voice loudly. A lanky twenty year old looking guy came striding towards us.

Rick smiled at the man, "Logan? Hey, man, what's up?"

"Nothing, mate, just hanging out with Brody but I don't know where he went. I saw Jordan earlier, but she must've ran off to dance or something..." Logan trailed off.

He and I made eye contact.

"Oh - hello, I didn't see you there," he apologized.

I shrugged, "It's alright. I'm Nolan. Nice to meet you."

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