[23] awkward conversations

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"She seemed fragile like a moonflower - destined to bloom for a single lovely night, and then fade and fall."
- Juliet Marillier, Wildwood Dancing

[23] awkward conversations

Something hard hit me, causing my eyes to fly open and catching myself from the shock of it all and almost falling out pf my seat. I rubbed my eyes, not fully realizing I'd actually fallen asleep until now. I looked up to see Claire standing before me. She held her notepad in her hand - which was what she'd hit me with I assumed.

"You're not supposed to sleep on the job," she advised. I stretched my body, some of the bones popping. I yawned. I hadn't gotten any good sleep last night. I had tossed and turned, thinking of what Morris had said. I didn't know if he would tell our parents. If he did and they believed him - because he'd be telling the truth and I'd feel bad if I lied - I would more than likely be in big trouble.

"I know," I said. I stood up to stretch my legs. "I'm just super tired." I felt kind of embarrassed for falling asleep on the job.

"Yeah, so am I." said Claire, patting my shoulder. Just as she went to say more, the door opened with a loud ding. We looked towards the door, and I frowned. It was her friends. They were always loud and obnoxious and sometimes really rude. Usually, they'd come at least once a week to eat here and hang with her for a bit, ending with Claire always paying for it. I guess I couldn't really judge them due to the fact I'd never actually hung out with them so I didn't really know how they were. But I knew how the acted now and I didn't seem to like it much.

Claire waved at them. "I got them, alright?" She turned to look at me. I nodded and stood by the sodas, knowing they'd all get some. Claire stood there a while longer and chatted with them. One guy, named Tyler I believe, glanced over at me before looking back to Claire.

She walked away and headed my way. "Two Dr. Peppers, Sundrop, and water." She read off the drinks and picked up some menus for her group of friends. I carried the drinks for her while she held the menus in her hands.
"Who are you again?" asked one of the girls seated. She twirled a black lock of curly hair around her index finger as she met eyes with me. She was very pretty.

"Nolan," I answered quietly. The girl didn't reply, only nodded her head and opened up her menu. I felt a couple of their eyes on Claire and I.

"You and Claire are friends, right?" asked the guy named Tyler. He was staring at me hard and I got uncomfortable.

"Yes, Tyler," sighed Claire. "Look, I'll leave you guys alone to look over the menu." Claire's hand dug into my arm, pulling me away from them. Once we were out of reach, she let go and looked at me. "Sorry about them. Tyler's complicated. I know you don't like them much, but they're the closest thing to friends I got."

"It's fine," I said, assuring her. "They don't bother me too much, and as long as you like them then it's alright." And then we got back to work. Her friends were loud and goofed off by tossing food at one another and just making a huge mess we'd have to clean up. Once they'd left with loud laughter and conversations, it finally became quiet.

I was sweeping up the mess of french fries and napkins when Claire came over with a wash cloth. She began stacking up all the dishes in a big pile. "I'm sorry about them," she said, looking over at me with an embarrassed expression. "I appreciate that they come here to see me, but I wish they wouldn't make such a mess and be disruptive." I felt bad for not mentioning the fact that they barely talked to her when they come here. Also, I felt bad for not mentioning that her friends seemed to like it when she paid for their lunch instead of being with her.

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