Chapter 2 :)

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Here's another chapter loves. I hope you'll like it :)

The car ride to the airport was a long one and the most quite of them all.

I'm going to be so miserable when I get to London. I won't have my mom, dad and Madison by my side to help me out anymore. Its just going to be me and Uncle Simon and his Girl friend Annie. She'e nice but she's not anything like family yet. And I won't have Aj, Hazel or Anna to help me out.

As I said my goodbyes to my mom, dad and Madison, tears ran down my eye as I got my boarding pass and looking out the door waving goodbye to them. Looking at them just makes me want to drop on the floor sobbing my eyes out until I can't cry anymore.

When I got my pass I went to the waiting area.

I pulled out my phone and called Aj.




No answer.

I wondered. Thats weird. This is a first for me. Aj usually answers my call right away. I wonders whats up with her. So I just called Hazel instead.

I got Hazel's number dialed




No answer, that's creepy.Uhmmmmm Lets try Anna I said

I called Anna's Number




No answer. Gosh that's so unlikely of them. They all know that I was leaving and they don't answer my calls.

I tired a few more times but still no answer from any of them. I was weird. they always answe my calls or call me right after I had a miss call. It only took like seconds. But its been 30 minutes and still they don't answer or call back. I sigh. Maybe the just forgot. Well I guess I'll call them when i reach London.

When I had time to think about my thoughtd while waiting for my flight my emotions got the best of me. I would miss my family, my best friends, but most of all my house of 18 years. I've lived in that house for my whole life. and it hard knowing that I won't be there for six months. And now I'm moving to london and might never come back after college.

I also got to thinking what happens if I started to like these boys in One Direction. What if we become friends, all these thoughts came to my head. I don't want to change and surely I don't want to fin loved agian.

While all these thoughts came ot mind, my flight was call so I got up and headed to the line.

I handed the flight lade my ticket. "Have a nice flight." as she said to me smiling and handing my ticket back to me.

As I walked into the airplane and sat down in my seat, all I could do is cry because I would be leaving everybody beginde and they can't even find me and I fell asleep silently crying to myself.


"Do you think she knows?" asked a voice.

"I don't think she does, she probably just needs someone to talk to." said another voice.

"Maybe" a vioce said.

"I wish I could telll her"

"How will we tell her?" someone stated.

"We have to think about it."

"Maybe we should kiddnap her." a voice said laughing

"I don't think thats a right thing to do." said a voice.

"We'll just think about it."

"Agreed" a voice said.

~Oh who are these people? and who are the taking about. and do they really want to kiddnap someone? If youguys like please comment. Please vote and please follow me.

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