Chapter 16 :)

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Hello Loves :) Heres another Update for you. Thanks for all the reads. All I need now is more votes :) So Please Vote :) Thanks Loves :)

Harry's P.O.V.

After seeing Hazel and Louis in the room we were all in shock. I mean like they were just fighting in the car and now they were having a make-out session. But I got to hand it ti Louis, he got Hazel in the end of all this.

"let's go back to the bar." I told Aj.

"Yeah, lets" She said while smiling.

As we pass along the corridor we heard some noises again.

We checked it out only to find Kirsten and Liam in their heated make out session.

"Are we cursed or something?" She asked.


"Cause we are bound to walk in on couples making out." she started.

"Yeah. I prefer to be the one making out." I said cheekly while wiggling my eyebrows.

I started to lean in and she did the same. Our lips met and moved in sync. It was about to get more heated but she pulled away. such a tease.

"Come on, lets find the others." said said,

"We're leaving Kirsten and Liam here alone?" I asked

"Let them make out first. Let's go find Anna, Zayn and Niall. We'll get them back later." She said.

"Okay, so we're Daddy and Mommy Direction for the nigh eyy?" I said.

As we turned around to find Niall, Anna and Zayn, we saw Louis and Hazel hand-in-hand walking towards us.

"Hey guys, what were you doing in there?" Louis asked

"Nothing." Aj said.

"Oh really" Hazel said raising her eyebrow.

"Look for yourself if you won't believe us." Harry said.

Hazel and Louis looked in and saw how heated Kirsten and Liam were,

"Gosh, they look like their having fun. But aren't they drunk?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, they are." Aj said.

"Our best friend is so drunk and she's in love." Hazel said.

"Don't worry my queen, your not the only one who's in love." Louis said holding Hazel in his arms.

"Okay, guys lets go fin the others." Aj said.

"Okay." Hazel said,

We all walking back into the club's dancing area. And finally the club was settling down, and people were starting to leave.

Louis and Hazel left me and Aj on our own to find Niall, Anna and Zayn.

Aj and me looked around the whole dance floor and saw Niall, Ann, and Zayn, but not dancing, but they were having their own make out session. Zayn and Niall were taking turns on kissing Anna. First it would be Zayn and Anna then Niall and Anna. then repeat. We walked up the them so they would stop but they didn't notice Aj's and mine presents.

"Guys come one its already 4 in the morning, time to get home." I said.

"Oh Harry, Niall said tripping over to me and he smells like hes been dipped in beer, "harry! we can't go, we are having so much fun."

"Yeah! I agree with Niall" Zayn said fist pumping his hand in the air. "And we are having a great time with Anna as well."

Anna just giggled.

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