Chapter 4

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A New Tune of Love

A Percabeth story

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these character in this story. They belong to Rick Riordan. I also don't own any of the songs that is in the story.

Percy POV

We watched her retreating figure run down the hallway.

"Let's get to class. I don't want to be late." Nico said. "Plus don't we have class with her for the rest of the day" he added

"Yeah. Let's go" Thalia said pulling us out of the room and down the hall.

Once we reached the room. The teacher was standing by board writing on it. The teacher turned around. It was Paul.

I forgot that Paul was going be my English teacher. He's my step dad and hopefully I won't fail his class. Here information for you. I have dyslexia so I have trouble with writing and reading.

I went to talk to Paul while Nico and Thalia sat down. "Hey Paul." I sat to him

"Hello Percy. How was your morning classes? Is everyone treating you kindly? Did you already get mobbed?" he asked frantically

"Paul, its going fine. My morning classes were ok. Everyone's fine and NO I haven't been mobbed yet." I reassure him.

"Good. Now go take a seat Percy so I can get class started." Paul said pointing the rest of the room signalling me to sit down.

I went to seat down and I noticed two thing. 1) Nico was sleeping. It hasn't even been 5 minutes into the class and he's asleep. That doesn't surprise me though. He's always sleeping. 2) Annabeth is sitting right in front of me. I can tell by her hair. Blonde with princess curls. Their something about this girl that I can't seem to figure out.

So for the rest of the class, I wasn't really paying attention. Instead I was daydreaming about the blonde that was sitting in front of me. She had such a beautiful voice, but didn't like people hearing it. I hear girls with beautiful voices. Normally those girls like to use and over flaunt their voices. She is defiantly different.

I hadn't even noticed the class was almost over until the bell rung. It woke me up from my daydream and literally woke up Nico.

He was so shocked he actually fell out of his chair and unto the floor. I tried to help him up but I was laughing too hard.

"SHUT UP PERCY" Nico yelled at me. "Let's go our next class."

We exited the classroom calling goodbye to Paul and made our way down the hallway to our next class.

I was kind of excited about the next class. We had Greek Mythology. The class should be really easy for my cousins and I too. Our dads are from Greek descents. Most of us are actually named after the gods and heroes. It's really funny because my dad is named Poseidon and he loves water like me and his brothers are named Zeus and Hades. It also helps that we all know most of the myths and we speak almost fluent Greek.

Once we got to the classroom we were shocked at what we saw. We saw the girls hugging a middle aged man in a wheel chair that I summed to be the teacher.

Nico and I walked up to them and we said hello to the teacher.

"Hello Perseus and Nico. Welcome to Goode. My name is Mr. Brunner but I like to be called Chiron. I be teaching you Greek Mythology for the year." Chiron said.

"Hi Chiron. You can call me Percy." I responded. I don't like people calling me by my full name.

"Ok then why don't all you all sit down and then well begin class." Chiron said and we sat down.

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