Chapter 23

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A New Tune of Love

A Percabeth Story

Chapter 23: Epilogue 

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters in this story. They belong to Rick Riordan. I also don't own any of the songs that is in the story. Look at the end of the story to find out all about me and future plans for this page.

Percy's POV. 7 years after the last chapter

"Annabeth?" I call out. It currently noon and we are late going to my mom's house. 

"Percy. I told you, I'm coming. You are lucky. You just get to come down stairs and wait. While I get to get myself, Luke and Selina ready." She says from the tops of the stairs.

Behind her legs are Luke, our 5 years old and Selina. She will turn 3 todays. Currently we are on our way to her birthday party at my mom's.

"Oh right," I respond and make my way over to her and our children. I pick up Selina and throw her in the air. "How my princess doing on this special day?"

She giggles and says, "I'm good daddy. Did you know while I was getting into my very pretty dress, the baby in mommy's tummy moved?" 

"Really?" I question and looked at Annabeth. Yes, she was currently 5 months pregnant again with our 3rd child. I moved over to her and give her a big kiss on the check. 

"Oh daddy. Everyone needs to get into the car so we don't miss Selina's birthday party," Annabeth responses pushing me away and grabbing Luke's hand and pushing me towards the door.


We made it to the party and currently Annabeth and I are sitting down by the patio watching all the kids play eating some cake.

I look over to see Selina being chased by Allison and Caleb. Allison was Jason and Pipers 3-year-old daughter and Caleb was Leo and Calypso son. 

At the party was Jason, Piper, their daughters Allison, Lucy who is 6 and their baby boy named Oliver. 

Next was Leo, Calypso, their son Caleb who was 4 and daughter Hailey who was 2. 

After that was Nico, Will and their adopted twins Bianca and Ethan who were 1. 

Katie and Travis came with their twin sons named Phillip and Nathan who are 5. 

Grover and Juniper also came with their daughter Rose who was 5. 

Conner married Rachel and they had a daughter named Alana who was 4 and a boy named Thomas who was 6. 

Lastly was Frank and Hazel who brought their 2-year-old daughter named Emery. Hazel was also pregnant with their second child. 

Unfortunately, Reyna couldn't come because she was working across the country and couldn't take of work. Clarisse and Chris just had their second child a few days so they couldn't make it as well.

I turn out of my thoughts to look at Annabeth and wrap my arm around her belly.

"What are you thinking about, Seaweed Brain?" She questions gazing back up at me. 

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