Chapter 15

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A New Tune of Love

A Percabeth story

Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these character in this story. They belong to Rick Riordan. I also don't own any of the songs that is in the story.

A/N: OK, listen haters. I know I have trouble spelling but if you have that much of a problem that you'll post a comment calling me names and cussing, then you have no business reading MY story. I don't do it for the haters, I do it because I love to write. I know I have work to do on my stories but it doesn't mean that my story plot is good or I don't have fun reading/writing it. SO STOP HATING. By the way I don't smoke neither. I don't have a problem with smokers but I can't stand smoke or cigarettes. So get your facts straight before calling someone a rude and FASLE names. I honestly hope your day and mood get better haters. Ps. does anyone know what the heck 'a betaer' is?

Percy's POV

I was speechless. She said maybe. MAYBE. I guess the look on my face was funny because Annabeth and the people who are still outside started laughing.

"I was joking Percy. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She says and smashes are lips together again.

"Ok. I'm glad you two finally got together and all but class is about to start and no one wants to watch you two have a tongue battle." Thalia interrupts.

1 We walked out of the room and to your next class. Of course with mine and Annabeth's hand intertwined like it should be.


It was a few days later. Our EP had hit the stories and were flying off the shelf and all but one had made it to the radios top 10. The other one was 11th.

At the moment, we (meaning just my cousins including Jason, Piper, Annabeth and I) were all lounging down stairs in the music room.

We decided we were going to do another video because your last ones weren't at all successful. Nico and Piper were on one couch and Jason was sitting on the floor with head lying across Piper's lap. Thalia had taken a whole couch by herself as she was currently laid a crossed it.

As for Annabeth and I, we were on the last couch I was smaller so I put her on my lap and had my arms around her.

"Ok Nico, turn the thing on." I tell to Nico. He did what I told him and turned the camera on and sat back down.

"Hello. My name is Percy Jackson of 'the Demigods', and over there is Nico and Thalia like normal but today we bring you two extra additions. Not exactly to the band but to the family. We have Jason Grace; the final cousin that I know of, and our very own Thalia's brother and Piper Mclean. The reality is that neither is single so don't ask, they are actually a couple. So send in your questions on Twitter or Facebook." I say once I see the red light meaning it was recording.

We got out our phones and checked the comments/Twitter.

A second later Thalia started laughing so hard and then gave the phone to Nico and he started laughing to.

"What's so funny" Annabeth asks.

Nico first it to Jason who had the same reaction and then showed it to Piper and she laughed to.

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