Chapter 9

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A New Tune of Love

A percabeth story

Chapter 9

 AN: OK, Everyone i fixed this so its in order and add a new part that wasn't even on i feel so proud of myself. YAY. i had the most diffucilt time finding a song for this chapter so please comment me ideas and song requests. So comment, vote and add me as a favorite.

                Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series or the Heroes of Olympus series or characters. I also don't own any of the songs that I used in the process of writing this.

Percy's Pov

We all headed in separate cars. I took Annabeth, Thalia and Nico in my car. Jason took Piper and Leo in his. Travis had his brother, Katie and Rachel. Beck had Silena, Chris and Clarisse. And finally in the last there was Grover and Juniper in the last car.

                Everyone arrived and we walked in side.

                There was a person waiting when we entered the living room.

                This person had blonde hair and blue eyes.

                “Will, what are you doing here?” Nico asks as he runs up to him and hugs him.

                “Well, I heard you were going to school here in New York, so I decided to surprise you. SURPRISE!” he says hugging the Nico back

                “Who is that Seaweed Brain and why does Nico smiling and happy?” Annabeth asks to me.

                “Well. Everyone meet Will Solace.” I say introducing Will

                “Nico’s Boyfriend” Thalia butted in.

                Both Nico and Will blushed while everyone was just staring wide eyed at the couple. I guess not everyone knew he was gay. Well to be honest only Thalia, my mom, Paul, and I knew and of course Will knew. Not even our dads knew, but I pretty sure they’d flip if they found out.

                “Thalia, can you please not?” Nico ask pleading

                “Not what?” Thalia asked completely innocence.

                “OK moving on-” to say but am cut off by Silena and Piper squealing and coming up to Nico and dragging him away with the rest of the girls expect for Thalia, Clarisse and Annabeth following them.

                “What the heck happened there” Will asks completely confused like the rest of us.

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