Chapter 8

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A New Tune of Love

A Percabeth Story

Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series or the Heroes of Olympus series or characters. I also don't own any of the songs that I used in the process of writing this.

Annabeth's Pov

Every time they perform I can't help but smile. They make me feel like I could go up there and perform my own songs and do what they do. After they finish they come back to our table and sit down. Like before Percy is sitting beside me and I can't help if feel a little awkward because of this morning. I don't think he even realized the situations we were in this morning.

"You guys did so great" The table complimented them.

"It was nothing" Percy responded.

"I see he's humble too?" An unwanted voice answered.

"Oh, it is you, again" Piper said with absolute disgust and hatred.

"OMG. You guys were so great." Drew said to them (mostly Percy) and ignoring Piper. She moved closer to Percy to the fact that we was standing directly

"Um, Thanks" He said awkwardly

"So I'm having a party at my house would you guys like to come." Drew purred at Percy.

You could see the discomfort in his face.

"Sorry Drew we can't" Thalia answered, eating her pizza.

"Why can't you?" Drew asked/whinnied.

"Because we don't want to get infected with SLUT." Thalia said harshly with a nonchalant expression.

Drew face was priceless it was a mix of hatred, confusion and embarrassment. Everyone else at the table was laughing while drew stamped away.

"Thalia!" I said high fiving her.

"And the Bitch takes get owned." Leo said like an announcer. We all started laughing.

The bell rung and we all headed to class. Connect 3, Jason, Hazel, Rachel and I all had English. I sat down in-between Thalia and Percy. Percy and Nico slept through the entire class and Thalia, Rachel, Hazel and I chatted most of the class and Jason was on his phone, probably texting Piper.

After waking up Percy and Nico we headed to Greek. Where I was surprised to see all of us there and we had even made two new friends named Grover and Juniper. Percy had taken a particular liking to Grover. You could obviously tell Grover and Juniper liked each other but they weren't dating. Weird Right. (AN- ha-ha, the irony).

Finally the last class of the day; Study Hall. The teacher wasn't there so most of us just left. I was grabbing my stuff when I heard Percy ask me a question.

"Hey Annabeth, are you going to your secret room?

"I guess" I responded not really paying attention.

"Could I come with you?" he stammered out.

I was taken back. Did he just ask if he wanted to come with me?

"Sure" I say and we settled off for my secret room with my instruments.

When we there I immediately sit at the piano and ask him a question.

"Do you mind if I play a song?"

"Of course." He says "Just pretend like I'm not even here."

I get out my book and position my fingers on the correct keys and start to play.

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