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The vision changed

"What are we doing?" Hannah asked while putting on a head lamp. "We are going to see what Sam found" "Is that even a good idea?" Hannah asked her sister. "It is today. I can't believe your wearing that." Hannah looked at Deena "I can't believe your not. I'll rather die knowing that I tried to stay alive than die being stubborn cause I didn't want to put on a lamp."

Hannah walked with Josh. They walked down to the accident sight. Sam got on the ground and started re-enacting what happened the night of the accident.

"Oh! Not just chains"
"Holy shit!"
"Oh my gosh!"
"No way!"

Josh pulled the chains closer to them and read them noticing it said 'Fier.' "Fier, it's her. It's her grave." Simon started getting scared "oh no, no. No! This is bad! This is really bad!"

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us." Kate started "I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave." Josh sighed "Now she's sending her henchmen after us." Hannah looked up "As in all the dead crazy people are going to come for us?" A twig snapped "Awe shit. It's a fucking shame we are going to die like this."

Josh got up "Hannah come with me to look out at the Woods" Hannah looked at him like he was crazy "No! Hell no! I'm not dying like the white people in the horror movies. We are black we run from the danger! Not go to it!"

The vision changed to Hannah and Josh walking threw the woods "Guys?" "Guys! I think there is something in the woods!" Hannah screamed "Did it work?" Kate yelled at Hannah. Hannah saw Nightwing "RUN! Josh! Go!" Hannah pulled Josh In front of her and ran back to the ambulance. Hannah sat beside Kate in the front "That was a bust!" "Yeah maybe because it's not like the movies." Deena started "it's not as easy as putting bones to rest!" She handed Sam a clothe she got out of the cabinet.

Hannah zoned out until she heard "No! No! Ruby attacked Simon." Hannah got up and walked to Simon to Simon and unzipped his coat "He has her blood on his and Deena so do you. Look at your shoes." Simon screamed "Sams bled on her bones now she wants more of Sams blood."

Hannah got in the drivers seat and started driving back into town. "Hannah drive to school." Hannah looked at her brother "Pardon?" "We're going to bate them." Hannah nodded and started daring to school.

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